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为妳,那些三妻四妾我可以不要。For you, I can 't those polygynous.

在一夫多妻婚姻里,这个观念并不具有完全的真实性,同时也是对一夫一妻制的一种批判。This is not a complete truism in a polygynous marriage, and is a criticism of monogamous marriages as well.

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虽然一夫多妻婚姻不被现代大多数社会认同,一夫多妻行为依然常见。Although polygynous marriages are not recognised in most modern societies, polygynous behaviour remains common.

许多一夫多妻婚姻中妻子们在能够支配的影响力上显示了相当大的可变性。Many polygynous marriages have shown considerable variability in the amount of influence and control multiple wives could command.

这些无耳海豹是高度一夫多妻制的交配体系,一只胜利的雄性海豹一个季度能够使50只雌性海豹受孕。These true seals have a highly polygynous mating system, with a successful male able to impregnate up to 50 females in one season.

作者通过对明清小说中家庭女性地位的研究,认为在男性多偶家庭中,妻、妾、婢的地位高低有别。In polygynous families in the Novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties, the positions of wife, concubine and servant girls were different.

在撒哈拉南部非洲地区及加勒比海地区就要比中东的穆斯林地区和北非地区的一夫多妻制程度要高。Societies in sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean are much more polygynous than the Muslim nations in the Middle East and North Africa.

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求偶场一个特别类型的一夫多妻的交配系统,在那里聚集雄性展示与雌性为了受精参与。A special kind of polygynous mating system where aggregated males display and females attend primarily for the purpose of fertilisation.

一夫多妻制家庭中,由于在分享丈夫的资源时所得份额较小,地位较低的妻子境况不佳。The low-ranking wives in polygynous marriages should be in worse condition because they get a smaller share of their husband's resources.

在19个一夫多妻制物种样本中,16个物种的雄性中,各个年龄阶段的样本在给定的时间段中都比雌性更易死亡。In 16 of the 19 polygynous species in their sample, males of all ages were much more likely to die during any given period than were females.

贫困的母亲,在这里指一夫多妻制中地位较低的妻子,可能生更多的女孩,因其健康状况比男孩要好。Mothers in poor condition, here lower-ranking co-wives in a polygynous marriage, may overproduce daughters because these give them greater fitness returns than sons.