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心理学家称此为“趋同思维”。Psychologist call this groupthink.

为了对抗这种思维,我们可以培育权威的不同意见。We can combat groupthink by nurturing authentic dissent.

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毫无疑问,集体思维解释了一些董事会之所以最终得出愚蠢做法的原因。No doubt groupthink explains why some boards end up committing to an idiotic course of action.

然而,由于趋同思维与极化现象具有类似的原因,大致上适用于趋同思维的方法也适用于极化现象。However, because groupthink has similar causes to polarization, much the same approach can be used.

意见不一致的,以及群体思维较弱的群体更容易分享未共享的信息。Groups where members disagree and who display less groupthink are more likely to share unpooled information.

风投合伙企业往往由凝聚力强、相对封闭的同质性人群构成——这正是趋同思维的理想温床。Venture partnerships are often cohesive, insulated, and homogeneous groups – a perfect breeding ground for groupthink.

当然,米勒也提醒人类的群体行为也有带来某些负面影响,尤其是形成利益集团或者集体施压的之后。Of course, Miller cautions, swarm behaviour in humans can have a downside, especially when it manifests as groupthink or peer pressure.

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“MV中当我当地的一霎那,集体思维一词蹦入我的脑中,因为是集体思维谋杀了我,”她表示说。"When I fall to the ground in the video, the word groupthink spills out of my head because I was assassinated by groupthink", she said.

这一点已引起了激烈的批评,更不用说他们标榜的自由思想,苹果的狂热者中弥漫着集体的思维,这简直是一种讽刺。This has caused critics to grumble that despite their professed free-thinking, Apple aficionados are actually suffused with groupthink. It's an interesting irony.

象群体思维这样的群体行为常常会影响群体决策不能够按照正常的程序进行,而且会产生负面的影响,导致过程损失并最终使决策失效。Those behaviors such as groupthink will influence the regular group decision making process and lead to negative influence and process losses that will induce the final decision fiascoes.

心理学家并不十分热心于为群体极化提供解决方案,因为在群体决策当中还存在着趋同思维与群体信息共享不足等诸多问题,这就已经让心理学家够头疼的了。Psychologists have been less keen to offer 'solutions' to group polarization than they have other phenomena in group decision-making such as groupthink or the failure of groups to share information.