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我想要把我的睫毛刷得浓密点。I want my eyelashes to be thicker.

她向他递了一个眼色。She fluttered her eyelashes at him.

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这只是用来帮我的睫毛往上卷。It just makes my eyelashes curl upwards.

露西今天戴了一副假睫毛。Lucy had a pair of false eyelashes today.

雪花片片落在鼻尖,落在睫毛上。Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes.

她睫毛眨动并睁开了眼睛。Her eyelashes fluttered and she opened her eyes.

他说,“当时,我的睫毛都冻在了一起。”"My eyelashes were freezing together, " he says.

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睫毛下是一对黑而深的斜瞳。Under the eyelashes is a pair of misty black pupils.

米勒说,她“已能够感到睫毛上的冰凌。Miller said she "could feel the icicles on my eyelashes.

我们也有一些助长睫毛的睫毛膏。We also have mascara designed to lengthen the eyelashes.

你用什么使你的睫毛看上去又长又密?What do you use to make your eyelashes look longer and fuller?

今天早上,我老婆搽了眼影,画了眼线,抹了睫毛膏。This morning my wife put on eye shadow, eyeliner and eyelashes.

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她正睡得很沉,眼毛上的眼泪还没全干。She was sleeping soundly, and upon her eyelashes there lingered tears.

那一瞬间,我的心骤然缩成一团,眼泪迅速打湿了睫毛。That moment, my heart suddenly curled, the tears quickly wet eyelashes.

后天性倒睫毛的原因,最常见的是由砂眼所引起的。Acquired inverted eyelashes reasons, the most common is caused by Shayan.

记得眼尾较长的假睫毛恢复年轻的效果是最好的。Remember eye end a long false eyelashes restore young effect is the best.

用卷睫毛器夹上眼睫毛,然后涂上睫毛膏。Curl your upper eyelashes with the eyelash curler, and then apply the mascara.

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倒睫,倒生毛在某一孔洞周围的毛发向内倒转生长的状态,特指。A condition of ingrowing hairs about an orifice, especially ingrowing eyelashes.

卸除睫毛膏要从根部向梢部擦拭。When removing mascara, brush from inner side of the eyelashes to the outer side.

佩吉,向那个酒吧男招待员眨眨眼睫毛,请他给我们拿饮料来。Flutter your eyelashes at the barman. Peggy, and ask him to serve us with drinks.