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勿与此辈来往。Don't associate with such people.

不要质疑,不要细述,不要联想。Do not elaborate. Do not associate.

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将这些数据池与测试相关联Associate these datapools with tests

使工作项目与变更集产生关联。Associate Work Items with Changesets.

和爱抱怨的人相处很难。It's hard to associate with a grouch.

我们同各种各样的人有交往。We associate with all sorts of people.

将数据池与脚本联系起来Associate the data pool with the script

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提到简.奥斯汀,你会联想到什么?What do you associate with Jane Austen?

将签入说明与变更集相关联。Associate Check-in Notes with Changesets.

通常人们把烟和火相联系。Usually people associate smoke with fire.

原来犹太人和撒马利亚人没有来往。For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.

我们讲了和他们打交道的操作符。We have operations to associate with them.

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他是报纸的副主编。He is an associate editor of the newspaper.

让我们先为此感激他。Let's first of all associate him with this.

尝试结交积极向上等人。Try to associate only with positive people.

当坏人朋比为奸时,好人应该联合起来。When bad men combine,good men must associate.

林先生是研究所的副所长。Mr Lin is associate director of the Institute.

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您需要使用标签将功能联系起来。You need to associate a function with the tag.

我想你还不认识我的助手,罗瑞先生。I don't think you know Mr. Roget, my associate.

我也用梅花去联想一种品质。I also used to associate a quality plum blossom.