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胚微小,胚乳丰富,含油。Embryo minute, endosperm copious , oily.

刺梨的胚乳属核型。The endosperm formation is nuclear type.

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两种胶都是种子磨细的胚乳。Both gums are the ground endosperm of seeds.

种子有丰富的胚乳和小的胚。Seeds with abundant endosperm and small embryo.

胚乳无或不为淀粉状。Endosperm is not had or not be amylaceous shape.

玉米淀粉由玉米粒胚乳制成。Cornstarch is made from the endosperm of the corn kernel.

葫芦巴籽由种皮,胚乳和胚组成。Fenugreek seed comprises seed coat, endosperm and embryo.

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双受精后,胚乳发育为核型。The endosperm develops into nuclear type after fecundation.

胚乳中还包含许多含氮化合物。The endosperm also contains a numbers of nitrogenous compounds.

坚果的胚乳由于存在丹宁,所以有显著的涩味。The endosperm of the nut owes its marked degree of astringency.

细胞在胚乳的不同部分其组成有所不同。Cells in different parts of the endosperm vary somewhat in composition.

文章还对禾本科植物胚乳的细胞化作了比较和总结。The cellulization of endosperm in Gramineae was summarized and compared.

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授粉后6天,胚乳游离核开始解体,比原胚败育早。About 6 days after pollination, the hybrid endosperm began to degenerate.

图3水稻胚乳支链淀粉簇合成模型示意图。Fig. 3 A model for the biosynthesis of amylopectin cluster in rice endosperm.

小麦的游离核与胚乳细胞要比水稻大。The free nucleus and endosperm cells in wheat were larger than those in rice.

受精后,初生胚乳核分裂先于合子。After fertilization, the primary endosperm nucleus divides earlier than zygote.

糊粉层是胚乳吸收养分的细胞层。Aleurone layer was the cell layer by which the endosperm assimilated nutrients.

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核型胚乳,合点端具胚乳吸器。Endosperm formation is nuclear type and the endosperm forms chalazal haustorium.

本研究发现从全序列水平来看,水稻胚乳DNA是去甲基化的。Here, we show that rice endosperm DNA is hypomethylated in all sequence contexts.

胚乳突变基因之间存在互作效应。Interactions to different extent were found among different endosperm mutant genes.