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所有货物都加盖了检验合格封印。All goods were sealed.

商品或全部跌停。All the goods or limit.

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尽是神仙流品。Goods flow to the gods.

货物用纸盒包装。Goods are packed in boxes.

货物重量称过是10吨。The goods scales 10 tones.

这些商品好卖吗?Are the goods selling well?

他到各地推销棉织品。He travels in cotton goods.

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货物已起运。The goods are on their way.

这些货物已抽样验收过了。The goods have sampled out.

一列货运列车隆隆地驶过。A goods train trundled past.

存货倍增。Goods in storage are doubled.

他卖货价格高。He sells his goods very dear.

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这商品质量粗劣。The goods are bad in quality.

他们为买卖商品讨价还价。They dickered over the goods.

我们将通过铁路运发这些货。We'll send the goods by rail.

这些商品是否都免税?Are all these goods duty free?

他总是买正牌商品。He always buy certified goods.

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土地、劳动力与资本品Land, Labor, and Capital Goods

货物已如期运到。The goods arrived on schedule.

这些都是手工业制造的商品。These are all hand-make goods.