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他嘱咐要谨慎行事。He enjoined caution.

警戒森严。The caution is stern.

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一个小心的字组警告!A word of caution Warning!

然而,谨慎是必须的。Caution is needed, however.

子女是父母的至宝。Caution is parent of safety.

她的谨慎只是枉费心机。Her caution was thrown away.

谨慎引用变量。Quote variables with caution.

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注意滑行道上散步的人们。Caution walk men on the taxiway.

谨慎小心是安全之源。caution is the parent of safety.

谨慎乃安全之母。Caution is the mother of security.

不必如此小心谨慎。There is no need for such caution.

但是他们也提出了一个警告。But they also add a note of caution.

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对于过度监管的担忧消失了。The over-regulation caution is gone.

至于便池中,慎。As for urinals, approach with caution.

母犬会做出相同的反应。A female behaves with the same caution.

方将不支付任何保证金、租金或磨损费用。Caution money , rental or cost of wear.

甚至周先生发出的也是谨慎的声音。Even Mr Zhou sounded a note of caution.

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如今,开封犹太人如履薄冰。Today, Kaifeng Jews tread with caution.

我喜欢银行家谨慎甚至乏味。Caution I like in bankers – even boring.

对于这个方法我建议谨慎使用。I suggest you use caution with this one.