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一个出色的BPI项目领导者究竟都需要具备什么素质呢?What does it take to be a good BPI project leader?

然而,在大型的BPI项目中往往产生领导层的问题。However, large BPI projects often have leadership problems.

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他们希望利用何塞的形象,他的名字,如葡国投行和美国运通。They want to use Jose's image, his name, like BPI and AmEx.

美属维尔京媒体是唯一的ISP联系,以回公众宣传局的运动,迄今。Virgin Media is the only ISP to back the BPI 's campaign thus far.

正如我们前面所讨论过的,BPI项目是多方面相关的复合体。As we discussed earlier, BPI projects are complex along many dimensions.

在某种意义上,BPI项目中的每一项需求都可以看作是一个变更请求。In a sense, every requirement on a BPI project is also a change request.

来自不同组织的领导者们将会争夺BPI层面上的领导权。Leaders from the different organizations fight for turf at the BPI level.

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对于一个大型的BPI项目来说,拥有多个涉众是很平常的。It is very common for a large BPI project to have multiple business sponsors.

在这篇文章中,我们讨论了一些关于BPI项目的独特特点和问题。In this article, I've discussed some of the unique characteristics and problems of BPI projects.

对代表英国唱片产业的BPI来说,这一天总算姗姗来迟。For the BPI which represents Britain's recorded music industry, this day has been a long time in coming.

在BPI项目中,经常会出现一个团队需要使用另一个团队的某个需求来证明相关联性。On a BPI project, often one team needs to levy a requirement against another team to document a dependency.

因而我建议组织应该通过在BPI项目中关注那些关键协同完成的工件来实现规范化。I suggest that organizations begin standardization efforts during a BPI project by focusing on key collaborative artifacts

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由于它包含了许多应用软件和潜在的上百台的服务器,这项操作的花费可能看起来被BPI所禁止。The cost of doing this might seem prohibitive for a BPI that includes many applications and potentially hundreds of servers.

BPI项目的开发团队实际上是一个拥有很多团队的团队,每个团队负责超级系统中的一个大型的子系统。The development team on a BPI project is actually a team of teams, each responsible for a large subsystem of the supersystem.

典型的BPI项目包括连接、简化和组织一个大规模的业务流程及其支持应用软件。Typical BPI projects involve connecting, simplifying, and streamlining a large-scale business process and its supporting applications.

本文主要讨论你的开发组织可以使用的一些基本原则和技术,应用这些原则和技术将会有助于更有效地执行BPI项目。This article discusses ground rules and techniques that your development organization can use to execute BPI projects more effectively.

维拉罗萨的员工全部来自国际银行业,因为他离开菲岛银行时,并未带走人才。On his staff, Villarosa has bankers from all across the international banking sector, since he didn't pillage BPI for talent when he left.

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BPI项目团队在紧张的工作安排中可能会感到他们需要求助于手动工作区来避免复杂的软件设计问题。BPI project teams working on tight schedules may feel they need to resort to a manual workaround in order to avoid a complex software design point.

BPI中必须处理商业流程集中跨越流程的错误处理。在任意的商业系统中,系统和非系统错误很有可能发生。Another BPI requirement addressed in BPEL is error handling across processes. In any business system, system and non-system errors are likely to occur.

面对日益增加的需求在软包装检测,扩大了它的公众宣传包装实验室,并购买了一套灵活的封装测试仪器。Facing the increasing demand on flexible package testing, the BPI expanded its packing labs and purchased a set of flexible package testing instruments.