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它的利用价值也是好的。But it's also instrumentally good.

或者有坏的利用价值。Or, for that matter, instrumentally bad.

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名单上多数好的东西都归结为好的利用价值。Most of the good things on that list were instrumentally good.

实验报酬的设计诱使实验对象视投票为获取利益的工具。Payoff schemes are designed to induce subjects to vote instrumentally.

所以这份快乐即有固有价值,也有利用价值。So the pleasure is both intrinsically valuable and instrumentally valuable.

作为手段而显得可贵的东西,可以说它们有“利用价值。The things that are valuable as a means " we can say are instrumentally valuable.

学生学习英语的动机是功利性的,他们对四级考试有着复杂的情感。Fifth, students are instrumentally motivated in CE learning and have mixed feelings about CET4.

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所以你现在忍受的痛苦,是有利用价值的,作为手段是有用的,尽管痛苦本身是坏的。So the pain you're suffering now is actually instrumentally valuable, useful as a means, even though it's intrinsically bad.

这对并联机器人控制系统设计具有积极的指导和借鉴意义。The advent of this paper is instrumentally and referentially significant for the design of parallel manipulatory control system.

无法工作就赚不到钱,最终名单上多数消极的东西,都归结为坏的利用价值。If you can't hold your job down, you can't get the money Ultimately, most of the negative things on that list were instrumentally bad.

无法工作就赚不到钱,最终名单上多数消极的东西,都归结为坏的利用价值。If you can't hold your job down, you can't get the money Ultimately, most of the negative things on that list were instrumentally bad.

肾结石可通过皮穿器械摘除,或者经皮穿刺肾造瘘或经肾直接置管进行冲洗。Penal stones may be removed instrumentally via percutaneous nephrostomy or by irrigation through a tube placed directly into the kidney.

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再看那个长长的没有结尾的,好的或坏的东西的名单,我们会发现上面很多东西,都是有好的利用价值。If we look back at that long, open-ended list of things that were good or bad, we'll find that mos of the things on that list are instrumentally good.

虽然甘地是如此的道德人物,但是,在使用这种非常方便的工具式的论争,来寻求好的解释时,他当然没有什么高明之处。Despite the fact that Gandhiji was such a moral person, he was certainly not above using very instrumentally convenient arguments for pursuing a good cause.

实验结果显示他们确实会因此而投票,但投票工具论无法完全解释某些现实选举中的投票率。Our experimental evidence indicates that subjects do vote instrumentally , bur instrumental voting may lot fully explain voter turnouts in some real elections.

国际流星组织过去十年的摄象观测揭示了其中原因,因为即使用仪器也不可能有效地从这么多流星雨背景辐射中定义这个特殊的流星群辐射。IMO video results from the last decade have shown why, because even instrumentally , it was impossible to usefully define distinct radiants for many of the showers here!

凭借符号和解释,意识和语言可以被视作“发生了“,不仅仅是借由这种方式而是依赖于它。Consciousness and language can be viewed and treated as taking place in signs and interpretation by virtue of that not only instrumentally by means of that but by virtue.

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这些“有关系的”人被认为是有价值的,不仅仅是因为他们能够直接传递的利益,更是因为他们能通过他们的关系传递间接的利益。These "connected" people are seen as instrumentally valuable not for any direct benefits they convey but rather because of what they can offer indirectly through their contacts.