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什么是类型化?What is typing?

所以,我挽起袖子开始打键盘了。So I started typing.

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她打字水平真是顶呱呱。Her typing is on the ball.

提高你的打字速度。Improve your typing speed.

最后,她找了一份打字的工作。Finally she got a job typing.

她打字考试没出一点错误。She did a perfect typing test.

你能给我用打点字吗?Could you do some typing for me?

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打字烦死人了。Typing really bores me to death.

我们的打印纸用完了。We have run out of typing paper.

他打字时漏了整整一行。He dropped a whole line in typing.

他们的打字纸用完了。They have run out of typing paper.

我的打字速度也慢了很多。My typing is slower than usual too.

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然后,他回去打字,继续工作。” And then, he went back to typing.

这比起直接输入这些值来由什么好处呢?Why is that better than typing them?

干薪金那么低的打字工作等于做苦工。Typing at that salary is slave labour.

我上了一个15周的打字速成班。I did a 15-week crash course in typing.

那样裁剪师就可以很容易地读懂图纸了,是吗?They could easily get to do the typing.

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那份报告你打完了没有?。Have you finished typing the report yet?

安妮讨厌打字,因为打字是那么无聊。Anne hates typing because it's so boring.

现在我输入。Now I'm typing dot slash as a convention.