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愿你过个最愉锐的圣诞节。May you hae the best Christmas eer.

俄而白鹤展翅凌空,冲人霄汉。Eer volley crane wings, red people dauntless.

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动物园是我一生中所知道的最有趣的地方。The zoo is the most interesting place that I hae eer seen in my whole life.

结果表明,风机盘管加新风系统的能效比较高,建议在实际工程设计中应重视系统能效比的计算。Suggests that due attention should be paid to the system EER calculation in the project design.

你有过其它病吗?比如说,肾炎、胆结石或妇科病?Hae you eer had any other illness, for instance nephritis, gall-stones or any gynecological diseases?

它是密苏里州的三个生育诊所之一,这些诊所帮助那些妇女怀孕,她们怀孕的年龄比以前都晚。It' one of three fertility clinics in Missouri helping women get pregnant later in life than eer before.

EER模型到数据库模式的转换是数据库逻辑设计辅助工具系统DBLD的主要任务之一。The transformation of the EER model to database schema is one of the main tasks of the aided database design tool DBLD.

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EER预测中国的风电市场将从2008年底12吉瓦的发电能力发展到2020年超过200吉瓦的发电能力。EER predicts China's total installed wind power capacity will increase from 12 GW at the end of 2008 to more than 200 GW by 2020.

都说那晶莹剔透的露珠,是星星的眼泪,你可知道,那也是我日夜为你流的相思之泪?People all say the crystal—like dews are the tear shed by the stars. But do you eer know, they are also my yearning tears for you?

本文通过实际应用和实验研究,提出了R410A系统中零件的选用及提高能效比的方法。Basing on application and experimental research, this article discusses the way of choosing part and improving EER in R410A system.

同时,EER估计全球海上风电市场将从目前的1.5吉瓦的发电能力发展到2020年超过41.5吉瓦的发电能力。EER also estimates the global offshore wind power market will grow from its current total installed capacity of 1.5 GW to 41.5 GW in 2020.

考虑到能效测试需要一定的时间,所有生产商和出口商都应尽早完成能耗测试和沙特能耗标签登记。如果在。CTC LAB can assist manufacturers with the energy efficiency testing and facilitation of the registration process with SASO for the EER labeling.

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拓新者辊筒布料系统是宏拓创新公司2005年度推出的以辊筒水平布局为下料机构的稳定型多功能布料系统。PION EER roller feeding system is searched, developed and manufactured by WINTOP in 2005. It is a very stable feeding system with horizontal rollers.

通过比较土壤源热泵系统与风冷热泵系统的耗能量和土壤源热泵系统如何有效地利用地表热能两个方面,分析了土壤源热泵系统节能的原因并提出了影响其节能特性的因素。The reasons were analyzed from the points of how efficiently GSHP uses the underground thermal energy and EER comparison of GSHP with the air source heat pump.

基于这一模型,选择某种热泵进行了计算,得到了这种机组在不同温湿度和进出水温度下机组的能效比和结霜性能。An ASHP unit is chosen to compute EER and performance under frosting as the unit operates under different air temperature, air humidity and different hot water.

罗荣桓元帅在三十六年的军事生涯中,从事了大量的军队干部工作,对我军干部工作的理论与实践,作出了不可磨灭的贡献。As a marshal of the PLA, Luo Ronghuan made an ineffaceable contribution to the theory and practice in our army's cadre work during his military car eer of36 years.

家用空调器冷凝水的滴流及造成室内空气干燥、混浊等问题依然是空调业面临的问题,文章介绍了无滴水可调节湿度技术的原理及该技术装置的主要硬件构成。The paper proposes some method to make full use of condensing water from split air conditioner, measures the EER and analyzes the energy saving effect of different method.

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本文阐述了一些提高新工质R407C机型能效比的实用方法,这些方法通过实验验证,证明了其实用性和有效性。This paper states some methods to improve the EER of the conditioner with the refrigerant of R407C, these methods are proved to be useful and efficient by the experiments.

结果表明,风机盘管加新风系统的能效比较高,建议在实际工程设计中应重视系统能效比的计算。The results show that EER of fan coil unit plus fresh air system is the highest. Suggests that due attention should be paid to the system EER calculation in the project design.