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中国必须工业化。China must industrialise.

在向工业化跃进的过程中,很多肥沃的土地,水资源还有劳动力都流失了。They have lost much prime land, water supplies and labour in the rush to industrialise.

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随着这些国家的工业化和多样化,他们出口额增长,这有时会导致贸易顺差。As countries industrialise and diversify, their exports grow, which sometimes results in a trade surplus.

电力发展的历史可以帮我们理解使数据中心工业化需要的技术。To understand the technology needed to industrialise data centres, it helps to look at the history of electricity.

神原英姿支持日本民主党大幅增加农业补贴和实现家庭经营农业产业化的提案。Mr Sakakibara supports DPJ proposals for a massive increase in subsidies to agriculture and to industrialise the family-run farming industry.

中国经济发展以及中国的工业化进程在去年由于全球经济疲软而放缓,但却在今年年初恢复了强劲的势头。China's economy – and its drive to industrialise – slowed last year in the wake of the global downturn but picked up strongly at the beginning of this year.

日本开放了它的港口,并集中地进行现代化和工业化改革。Japan opened its ports and began to intensively modernize and industrialise. Renewed contact with the West precipitated profound alteration of Japanese society.

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面对这种情况,发达国家将需要减少碳排放,而发展中国家可以向其出售份额,同时还可以有足够的份额用于工业化。Faced with this, developed countries would have to reduce emissions, while developing countries could sell bites of their slice off and still have enough to industrialise.

随着传统工人的减少,即使在发展中国家,使穷国工业化的需求逐渐增加,科技将会在全球范围内用于提高生产率。With fewer traditional workers, even in the developing world, and an increasing need to industrialise poorer countries, technology will be used to raise productivity globally.

同时,大量研究表明,环境损害的产生——经年累月——开始工业化的发展中国家过犹不及。At the same time, study after study shows environmental damage rises – so far almost always perpetually – with income, and often more steeply as developing countries begin to industrialise.