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在艺术史的语言里,它是画家式的。In the language of art history, it is painterly.

因此,我们依靠独特的绘画手法的生活行动。Hence, we relied on unique painterly manipulation of live action.

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能在阳光中享受绘画的乐趣,是很多成年人的梦想。Painterly fun can be enjoyed in sunshine, it is the dream of a lot of adult.

如画般的,引人共鸣和遐想的风和寒冷。建筑所饱含的令人惊异的美。Painterly and evocative of wind and cold, beauty of the starkness of the buildings' perseverance.

纵观中国现代的版画流向,可分为绘画性版画和观念性版画。Generally Chinese modern print-making can be divided into painterly print-making and conceptional one.

毕竟对于没有绘画基础的站长来说创作难度是比较大的。Creation difficulty is bigger for the stationmaster of painterly to doing not have after all foundation.

此外,古代画论中的判断是多相式的,不同于西方形式逻辑单项式和多值判断。The judgement in ancient painterly theory has several forms, being differ form single form in western logic.

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这位艺术家创作了上百幅这种画家探索式的作品,并且这也成了他交易中的名牌。The artist has made hundreds of these painterly explorations, and they have become his branded stock in trade.

我的渲染和光照的目标是制作一幅水彩画的效果,有深度,给人一种不同寻常的渲染风格。My goal for lighting and rendering was to create a painterly image with depth and atmosphere in a sfumato flavor.

古代画论中的推理也是传统的模型类推结构,并非命题推理。The discursion in ancient painterly theory was traditional model analogize configuration not proposition discursion.

设计师没有陷入一般理解去运用这一表现手法。Stylist was not immersed in general understanding to apply this to behave gimmick. However painterly combination effect.

他的家应该也不错,究竟他有多年的绘画功底,究竟他还是个获过大奖的名导。His home should be good also, after all he has old painterly strength, after all he ort he name that has won large award guides.

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就规模和主题而言,此次个展充分显示出他至今在绘画方面所作出的最为成熟和志向高远的努力。His current solo show demonstrates his most mature and ambitious painterly effort to date, both in terms of scale and subject matter.

它不仅是对绘画空间的实体设计,也是对社会中愤怒、挫折感、快乐、痛苦和忧伤等感情的设计。It is not only a physical design of a painterly space, but a design of social emotions such as anger, frustration, joy , agony and sadness.

蓝白相间的瓷碎片通过蓝白色线条和绘画搭配产生千变万化的效果。The porcelain shards produce a kaleidoscopic effect induced by the calligraphic and painterly designs in hues of cobalt blue and kaolin white.

而我想要使这些技能图标更有代表性,从而使它们不仅仅是单调的图案,而是具有了艺术性。And that's really what I'm trying to do is to try to make them more symbolic, so they're not necessarily little murals, but they are painterly.

一侧做卧室,一侧做小客厅,中间呢,随意吧,看书、聊天、喝茶、跳舞、绘画,你能想得到的都可以。A side does a bedroom, a side makes little sitting room, among, optional, read a book, chat, drink tea, dance, painterly , you can be conceivable OK.

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中国古代画论中同样存在类似判断、推理等逻辑形态,但它不同于西方的形式逻辑。The logistic form of resemble judgement, discursion were also into the Chinese ancient painterly theory , but it's different from western formal logic.

中国古代画论有独特的逻辑结构,其特点是注重现实、关注现象、形式多样,过程具有连续性。Chinese ancient painterly theory have peculiar logic configuration, with paying attention to reality and phenomenon, having varied forms and continuity course.

他绘画性的叙事通常以夜晚的城市街道为背景展开,反映了现代生活模糊和存在的画面。It is often during the night that his painterly narrative unfolds against a backdrop of urban dreamscapes reflecting blurred and existential images of modern life.