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这似乎是愚昧的行为。It appears to be unintelligent behavior.

与其说他不聪明,不如说他未受过教育。He is not so unintelligent as uneducated.

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与其说他不聪明,不如说他未受教育。He is not so much unintelligent as uneducated.

公约不合理还有另一个原因。The pact was unintelligent for another reason.

他认为他是一个软弱无知的人。He believes him to be a weak and unintelligent man.

与其说这男孩不聪明,不如说他没受过教育。The boy is not so much unintelligent as uneducated.

我们都是些低能儿,需要精英来指点江山?Are we all so unintelligent that we need an elitist to comment on national affairs?

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而我用的是“无知”,故意在这里,并不意味着愚蠢。And I use the word "ignorance" deliberately here, which does not mean unintelligent.

智力不高但努力的人在生活中所得要比懒惰的聪明人要丰富。An unintelligent man that works hard gets more from life than a smart man that is lazy.

在商业会议上,男人会觉得出声思考的女人没有逻辑,没有组织性,或者很愚蠢。In a business meeting, men view a woman thinking aloud as being scatterbrained, undisciplined or unintelligent.

也有不少时候,她会再次咯咯大笑,比前一次笑得还响,就象是个对人类的哀伤无从知晓的东西。Not seldom, she would laugh anew, and louder than before, like a thing incapable and unintelligent of human sorrow.

“我不认为这会成为下一个聪明人做笨投资的例子,”霍尔伦说。"I don't think this will be the next case of intelligent people investing money in unintelligent ways, " Hallren says.

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通过专家访谈、问卷调查,建立武术散打运动员非智力因素的9因子模型。Through making expert interview and questionnaires, this paper established the 9 factor mode of unintelligent factors of Wushu athletes.

看起来外表像野兽一样的怪兽。通常,它们都是身材矮小、智能低下的种族。但是,有一些兽类怪兽速度超群而且强壮有力,特此警惕。Monsters that look like animals. In general, they are small and unintelligent . However, some of them are preeminently fast and powerful, so be on your guard.

无法放弃妄想,恐惧,悲哀,沮丧和蛮干愚勇,他们的决心是处于愚昧无知的品性中。That determination O Arjuna, by which the unintelligent is unable to abandon dreaming, fearing, grieving, depression and foolhardiness is in the nature of nescience.

换句话说,与数据输入打交道的人越来越不能忍受被当做没有雄心、没有受过教育和不聪明的人来对待。In other words, the population interacting with data-entry software is increasingly less tolerant of being treated like unambitious , uneducated, unintelligent peons.

智能拟合法与传统的非智能拟合法相比具有可以自动寻求最优多项式、拟合精度高的优点。The intelligent fitting method has more advantages than the traditional unintelligent method, such as automatically selecting optimum polynomials and higher precision.

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这里的“伪”指向那些将艺术僵化的行为和态度,而以蒙昧的犬儒主义掩饰自我,忽视、掩饰、回避现实的真实和严峻。Here "pseudo" means those behaviors and attitude stiffening art and camouflaging oneself with unintelligent cynicism, ignoring, hiding and avoiding the true severe reality.

如果做善事缺乏正确的认识又半心半意,结果就是能生于善道但没有善根,由于这样就可能生来残缺。If the meritorious deed is unintelligent and halfhearted, the result will be a favourable rebirth without wholesome roots, by reason of which one is likely to have defective sense faculties.