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然而,预言继续谴责了美国的衰落。And yet doomsayers continue to decry America's decline.

在美国,来自宗教界的声音,既有赞扬也有抨击资本主义秩序的。In America religious voices both praise and decry the capitalist order.

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反对对权力的迷恋是人们的动机之一是个彻底的错误。It would be a complete mistake to decry love of power altogether as a motive.

许多日本人都对不断扩大的收入差距感到厌倦,并谴责近年来政策的不力。Many Japanese, weary of a growing income gap, decry the deregulatory policies of recent years.

他们指责她简单的人员配置,令人发疯的按项目收费模式以及对乘客的不友好态度。They decry Ryanair's terse staff, maddening á la carte charges, and seemingly adversarial attitude to passengers.

对一些人谴责激励机制只是作为“新政治”责任思考的毒果这样的结论本身是很冒险的。It may be tempting for some to decry incentives as nothing but a poisonous fruit of Con-Lib responsibility thinking.

我想这是谴责所有事情物质化的时候了,然而正如我们被人所激励一样,我们也受事物的激励。I know ‘tis the season to decry all things materialistic, but just as we’re inspired by people we are also inspired by things.

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一方面,那些为了社会变革而倾尽全力的人们,会诋毁其他国家那些在他们看来是全球化带来的变化。On the left, people who struggle the hardest for social change, decry changes in other countries that they view as a result of globalization.

就算是中国妇女组织——曾经谴责选美大赛是在物化女性——也不太情愿地赞同选美新浪潮”。Even Chinese women's groups -- once quick to decry events as objectifying women -- give somewhat grudging approval to the new wave of pageants.

不久,其他政客们也先后公开谴责好莱坞这一梦工厂的作品越来越可怕,带来了破坏性的影响。Soon, other politicians were lining up to decry what they called the destructive influences of Hollywood's increasingly gruesome dream machine.

这一很少被提到的好消息的产生大部分是由于低通胀导致的——一个广受欢迎的循环现象,而被需求学派当做通货紧缩而大加批判。That rarely mentioned good news, in turn, is largely due to lower inflation—a welcome cyclical phenomenon demand-siders often decry as deflation.

“人权监督”谴责卡特尔因为其诗人默罕默德·阿加米散布据信对现任埃米尔有煽动性和攻击性的诗句而监禁他。Human rights monitors decry the imprisonment of a Qatari poet, Mohammed al-'Ajami, for spreading verse deemed seditious and insulting to the emir.

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电视新闻节目组的工作人员涌向矿难灾区,而批评家们对煤炭业造成的污染进行了谴责。Critics of the coal industry decry the pollution, while television news crews reliably swarm the mine disasters that seem to happen like clockwork.

所有这些都像谷物被放进研磨机中一样,被俄国媒体粉碎,后者在这个国家的东部地区广受欢迎,并利用一切机会谴责乌克兰国内的“法西斯主义”。All of that is grist for the mill for the Russian media, which is popular in the east of the country and uses every opportunity to decry "fascism" in Ukraine.

对大多数人而言,收入多少与幸福与否似乎并无过多牵连,这在心理学和道德范畴内都存在有利的证据——谴责猖獗的物质享受。Income may not be the most important contributor to how happy most people are, and there are good reasons--psychological and moral--to decry rampant materialism.

彭德博士微笑着说道,“现今是谴责神职人员的,我知道,但是我听到一些事情,我们都知道一个人的品质除了在书中描述的大多未知的还是在外面的现实世界。”Pender smiling. It is the fashion nowadays to decry the clergy, I know, but we hear things, we know a side of human character which is a sealed book to the outside world.