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刀光剑影,刺伤我的眼睛。Of swords, stab my eyes.

当面扎刀的是真朋友。True friends stab you in the front.

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照片显示他的脖子上有刺伤的伤口。Photos show a stab wound in his neck.

将隔水管插入销钉连接器。Stab the riser onto the pin connector.

他们彼此间用钢刀相互挥刺。They stab it with their steely knives.

它可以刺透任何盾。My spear could stab through any shield.

他们可会刺个七刀在你脸上。And might stab you seven times in the face.

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他是那种会在背后给你下毒手的人。He is the sort of man to stab you in the back.

刺向五芒星的中心并面向西方。Stab the pentagram in the center and face West.

一定是程序员给这个系统开的一个玩笑。This must be a programmer’s stab at the system.

在舞台上,她假装自己戳出一处伤口然后喷血。On stage, she bleeds from simulated stab wounds.

此人甚至在身上刺了索普二字。He even takes a stab at scribbling the characters.

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陈先生的恶意评论,是暗箭伤人。Mr. Chen's malicious remark is a stab in the back.

要不然我会刺你的,后果自负。Or else I'll stab you, there will be consequences.

事故是暗箭,安全是盾牌。Accident was stab in the back, security as a shield.

用力要均匀,如用力过猛,会刺伤头皮。Hard to evenly, such as overexert, would stab scalp.

刚愎自用总是会刺伤耶稣基督。Obstinacy and self-will will always stab Jesus Christ.

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东汉时称为“刺”,故名片又称“名刺”。Han dynasty, so called "stab" card, say again "MingCi".

其他种类的螳螂虾则是用尖矛状钳子刺穿猎物。The other kind stab their prey with a spikey-tipped arm.

我从来没有想过富兰克会给我在暗中使坏。It never came to me that Frank would stab me in the back.