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JDK模块化使用了Jigsaw模块化系统。JDK modularization uses the Jigsaw module system.

在软件以外的领域,模块化的应用非常普遍。Outside of software, modularization is very common.

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系统采用模块化设计。The system is designed in modularization and feature-based.

COOL是通过可扩展的空间XML命名并基于模块化RDF存储。COOL is extensible via XML-namespace and RDF based modularization.

提出了模块化系列设计思想。And it also presents the design idea of modularization and seriation.

模块化,减少较大的整体类路径上的依赖项。Modularization to reduce the dependency on large, monolithic classpaths.

本文从模块化、智能化角度研究磁航向系统。The modularization and intelligence of MHS are the emphases of this thesis.

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它还有助于了解业务功能和模块化工作。It also helps in understanding business functions and modularization efforts.

另外一种非常重要的防错方法是对复杂软件进行模块化。Ano ther poka-yoke of great importance is the modularization of complex software.

微型化、模块化、数字化是现代雷达接收机的发展趋势。Micromation, modularization and digitization are the trends of modern radar receivers.

以除氧器系统为例,给出了模块化建模基本方法。As an example of deaerator system, the basic modularization modeling method is presented.

最后进行了实例设计-客车座椅的模块化设计。At last, a design example-the modularization design of seats of passenger car is adduced.

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软件上采用的是模块化设计,并尽可能采用子程序调用,以压缩程序量。Modularization design is adopted and subprogram call is used to reduce procedure quantity.

您可以看到,全局暴露的元素声明支持模块化和重用。You can see that exposing element declarations globally supports modularization and reuse.

本文介绍了用模块化原理设计的系列加工中心。This paper introduces the design of series machining center by using modularization principle.

然后介绍了一种模块化设计的方法,具有较强的实用性和可移植性。A method of modularization design is introduced and it has better modifiability and transportability.

开发的应用程序实现了参数化设计和绘图,并贯穿了模块化设计思想。The application is characterized by the parametrization design function and modularization design idea.

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由于JClouds可以嵌入到管理与应用平台当中,因此模块化就变得愈发重要了。As JClouds becomes embedded in management and application platforms, modularization has become a priority.

这种简化和模块化还支持应用程序在无需重启的情况下进行更新。This simplification and modularization also enables application updates without restarting an application.

介绍了一种基于单片机系统的多级菜单模块化编程方法。A multi-level menu modularization programming method based on single-chip microcomputer system is introduced.