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与其他生命周期工具的互操作Interoperation with other lifecycle tools

这些服务的生命周期是什么样的呢?What about the lifecycle of these services?

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它们定义了生命周期方法的设置和清除。They define lifecycle methods setup and cleanup.

一个网络游戏的生命周期由这个游戏本身的质量决定。MMOG's lifecycle depends on the quality of the game.

那么这又回到了SOA治理的生命周期。This then relates back to the SOA governance lifecycle.

在现实世界中,该生命周期并非始终泾渭分明。In the real world, the lifecycle is not always as clean.

在该生命周期的末尾,我们得到了“完整的”版本。At the end of this lifecycle we have a "complete" release.

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而另一些昆虫,像蝉,一生中有3个阶段。Other insects such as cicada have 3 periods in its lifecycle.

在整个生命周期中不分轻重地使用过程。Always use the same degree of process throughout the lifecycle.

同时雷声公司还将提供全寿命周期维护和支持。The company also will furnish lifecycle maintenance and support.

要完成这个任务,需要在生命周期接口中实现方法。To do this task, you implement methods in the lifecycle interface.

让«开发»生命周期基于移出风险和增加价值。Base the «development» lifecycle on removing risk and adding value.

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在端对端项目生命周期中设计可用性解决方案Designing availability solutions in the end-to-end project Lifecycle

每个项目都应在结束时进行回顾。Each project should hold a retro ective at the end of its lifecycle.

XR公司水性糊盒胶产品正处于其生命周期的成熟阶段。The product of XR company is at the maturity stage of its lifecycle.

在开发生命周期的任何时候都可以进行评估。Assessment can be performed at any time of the development lifecycle.

SOA前后联系质量成为正在探索的、整个生命周期的攻坚战。Quality in the SOA context becomes an ongoing, full lifecycle battle.

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开发治理围绕着软件开发生命周期。Development governance encompasses the software development lifecycle.

再看一下,这是一个高度简化版的,病毒生命周期示意图Again, this is a highly simplified version of the lifecycle of a virus.

但是,生物质农作物的碳平衡必需依赖整个生命循环。But the carbon balance for biomass crops depends on the whole lifecycle.