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特此证明。Hereby certify.

我可以证明他清白。I can certify to his innocency.

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我们可以保证他的诚实。We can certify for his honesty.

伟大是需要时间证明的。Time is needed to certify greatness.

我用人格担保他是清白无辜的。I certify on my honour that he is innocent.

我用人格担保她是清白无辜的。I certify on my honour that she is innocent.

我们可以保证他能胜任编辑工作。We can certify for him competence as an editor.

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我特此证明以上所述准确真实。I hereby certify the above to be true and correct.

是否有系统来进行操作员的技能确认以及再确认?Is a system in place to certify & re-certify operators?

必须有两个证人证明这是你的签字。Two witnesses must certify that this is your signature.

须有两个见证人证明这确是你的签字。Two witnesses must certify that this is your signature.

本人为此项文件签字过程之见证人,特此证明。I certify that I witnessed the signing of this document.

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我证明上述资料全属真实及正确。I certify that the above information is true and correct.

本人兹证明上述各项资料真实无讹。I certify that the above particulars are true and correct.

选举审核委员会再聚会确证最后举举结果。Canvassing Board reconvenes to certify final election results.

本人谨此核证本表格所述的资料正确。I hereby certify that the facts given in this form are correct.

谨此证明上述申请人为潮籍同乡之妻子。I hereby to certify that the above applicant is Teochew's Wife.

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公园的员工帮助游客鉴定钻石并颁发证书。The park's staff helps visitor to identify and certify diamonds.

如果现在交货我们较能保证如期交到。We could certify delivery meliorate whether you would take it now.

本人证实上述甲部及乙部所提供的资料正确无误。I certify that the information provided in part A and B is correct.