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还有一点很重要,就是朱迪亚的渺小性。The next really important thing is the smallness of Judea.

进而,这位母亲想到了脆弱、纤小以及生命的美丽。The mother could consider the weakness, smallness and beauty of life.

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一个人真正伟大的主要证明在于认识到自己的渺小。The chief proof of a man's real greatness lie in his perception of his own smallness.

好了,他的结论是自己这对眼睛是诚恳的,其中没有小气和卑劣。Well, they were honest eyes, he concluded, and in them was neither smallness nor meanness.

我认为温州人做生意的方法,就符合我的“小的就是美好的”观念。I think the way Wenzhou people do business is in line with my concept "smallness is beautiful".

这些人勇气可嘉,但是在这庞大繁琐的机构面前,他们又是如此的微不足道。Their courage is evident, but so is their smallness in the face of a vast and complex authoritarian system.

她可以细心观察婴儿的小脸蛋,想着他的小嘴、眼睛还有鼻子怎么就能这么小呢。She could watch the small face of the baby and think about the smallness of his mouth, his eyes and his nose.

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另外,有一个大而有趣的聊天室,可以将你的注意力从狭小空间上转移开,因为那是意想不到的。Plus, having one large, interesting conversation piece tends to take the focus off the smallness of your space, because it's unexpected.

结论微创术治疗脑出血疗效确切,手术创伤小,远期功能恢复满意。Conclusion Mini-invasive skill cure cerebral hemorrhage effect certainty, operative wound smallness remote function recovery satisfaction.

经过江胜人的努力拼博及各界客户的鼎力支持,使公司完成了一个从无到有,从小到大的成长过程。Through Johnson people's hard work and the support of all the customers, our company has grown from nothing to something, from smallness to bigness.

更确切些不如说,正是杰拉尔德的矮小精干使他成为现在这样,因为他早就明白矮小的人必须在高大者中间顽强地活下去。Rather, it was Gerald’s compact smallness that made him what he was, for he had learned early that little people must be hardy to survive among large ones.

“一方面Holden很担心自己将要堕落,因为他已经跨越了悬崖边缘,”Hochman说,“我认为Salinger那样写的目的是要表达人的渺小。“At one point Holden is worried he’s going to fall because he’s stepping off a curb, ” Mr. Hochman said. “I think Salinger intended that to convey the smallness.

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如果我们在我们遇到的人身上看到了卑鄙和小气,那么,最好是确定一下我们自己是否没有使这些品质从我们这里散发出来。If, then, we see meanness and smallness in the people whom we meet, it would be well to ascertain if we ourselves are not causing such qualities to emanate from us.

我们小小的商队变得小心翼翼起来,并陷入了一片死寂,唯恐在约旦红沙漠的巍峨群山中因自己的渺小而感到自惭形秽。Our little caravan grew self-conscious, and fell dead quiet, afraid and ashamed to flaunt its smallness in the presence of the stupendous hills of Wadi Rum, Jordan.

由于它简洁、小巧、调整方便,既能用于新机设计,也能用于老机改造。The property, such as concision, smallness and agility make it possible to use this device in the design of new kind of machine, and in the rebuilding of old machine.

白手套显出一双细长的手,手里玩着一把中国象牙柄的遮阳伞,一双缎鞋衬托出她脚的秀气。Her white gloves displayed the delicacy of the hand which toyed with the carved, Chinese ivory handle of a parasol, and her silken shoe outlined the smallness of her foot.

这种可怜的小把戏,一旦成了人,几乎总要遭受社会秩序这个磨盘的碾压,但是,只要他们还是孩子,个儿小,就可以逃过。When these poor creatures grow to be men, the millstones of the social order meet them and crush them, but so long as they are children, they escape because of their smallness.

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证书路径构造过程中,针对分区之间与信任域之间变动较少的情况下引入关系矩阵和证书路径库技术。During the process of certificate path construction, relationship matrix and certificate path database are introduced in allusion to the trust areas and subareas which change smallness.

将军察觉她的目光在四下张望,便谈起了屋子小,家具简陋,一切都是日常用品,仅仅为了舒适起见,如此等等。The general, perceiving how her eye was employed, began to talk of the smallness of the room and simplicity of the furniture, where everything, being for daily use, pretended only to comfort, etc.