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来源的可靠性。Credibility of source.

通货膨胀与公信度之战Inflation fighting credibility

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格莱美奖对我而言是真实可信的。The Grammy for me is credibility.

我今天总是出状况啊。I'm getting a lot of credibility today.

传染病病原学的新依据New Credibility for Infectious Etiology

这会增加你在一些圈子里的信誉。It gives you credibility in some circles.

用户看重质量和信誉。Users appreciate quality and credibility.

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我厂重合同,守信誉。I plant a heavy contract, Shou credibility.

我们先从标准普尔缺乏公信力说起。Let’s start with S.& P.’s lack of credibility.

这是否会损害吠陀经的可靠性?Does it not impair the credibility of the Vedas?

重复利用铁炭,具有技术可靠、成本低的特点。It is the credibility of technology and economy.

这很棒,因为你现在有了信誉度。That’s awesome because you now have credibility.

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我们必须保证这个市场的信誉。We need to ensure the credibility of the market.

这件事之后,Rescorla有了他需要的信任度。Afterward, Rescorla had the credibility he needed.

金钱诚可贵,信誉价更高。Money is indeed invaluable, even more credibility.

无界性有更大的经验可信性。Unboundedness has a greater empirical credibility.

河南人信誉这么差,骗子太多。Henan credibility of the people is so bad liar too.

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广州时尚汇加入诚信通。Guangzhou Fashion Exchange added credibility through.

这个情节中有太多的曲折,不太可托。The plot has too many twist, so its credibility is low.

你也需要引用参考来获得信息的可靠性。You’ll also need to cite references to gain credibility.