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那是球体的一个参数方程。That is a parametric equation for the sphere.

令参数空间是一不可数集合。Let the parametric space be an uncountable set.

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我们在参数化分析器一章中讨论过它。We discussed that in the Parametric Parsers chapter.

参数化模型易于数据重用。Parametric modeling also lends itself to data re-use.

它像一个有两个参数的参数曲线。It works like a parametric curve but with two parameters.

二是组合参数曲线的磨光。The other is smoothing of combination of parametric curve.

建立了基于三箱式轿车结构的参数化分析模型。The parametric FE model of three-box type body is created.

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如果没有的话,我们继续往下,线性参数方程组。OK, so if not, let's move on to linear parametric equations.

实际上,直线的参数方程总是这个样子的。In fact, parametric equations of lines always look like that.

参数的模型是从一组数学公式中被建造出来的。Parametric models are built from a set of mathematical equations.

设计中利用了奇偶模参量法。The parametric method of odd-even mode is adopted in this design.

我们在这里讨论的是一种基于历史参数的方法。The technique presented here is a historical parametric approach.

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比方说已知,曲面S的参数形式。Let's say that we are given a parametric description --of a surface S.

开展了PHFB梁在均布荷载作用下的参数分析。Parametric analysis on PHFB under uniformly distributed loads is made.

我们还了解了,曲线参数方程更一般的性质。We've learned more general things about parametric equations of curves.

面向加工的机匣参数化特征建模方法研究。The research of manufacture-oriented parametric feature modeling methods.

他的建筑形式既不依从于极简主义也不追随参数化设计。His forms do not comply with either a minimalist or a parametric approach.

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被动微波辐射仪参数化降水反演算法。Parametric Rainfall Retrieval Algorithms for Passive Microwave Radiometers.

构造的曲面是分片双三次有理参数多项式曲面。This surface is a piecewise bi-cubic rational parametric polynomial surface.

与3波段参数均衡器,你可以很容易地调整回放你喜欢。With 3-Band Parametric Equalizer you may easily adjust playback as you like.