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本文针对传感器的微型化进行大量的实验研究。So a plentiful of experiments had be done to the micromation sensor.

离体生物传感器的微型和集成化为细胞电生理研究提供了有力手段。Microelectrode arrays in-vitro provide methods down to cellular level by micromation and integration.

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针对旋翼飞行器本体微型化提出了一种非对称变距方法,同时还对非对称变距的控制特性进行了动态测试研究。In this paper, the way of the new dissymmetrical electronic collector is proposed aiming at the micromation of the MAV.

集成光学技术的发展将推动光子射频移相器向集成化、微型化的方向发展。With the development of integrated photonic, micromation and integration were the main tendency of photonic RF phase shifter.

随着科学技术的发展,各种加热冷却设备呈现出向微型化方向发展的态势。With the development of science and technology, various heating and cooling equipments have a development trend of micromation.

微型六足机器人若要实现转向,必须解决尺寸微型化与结构复杂化之间的矛盾。For the micro hexapod robot, in order to turn, we must resolve the conflict between the micromation of size and the complication of structure.

分析了弯曲旋转超声马达在微型化和产业化方面的问题,提出了进一步研究的问题。The problems of bending rotation ultrasonic motor are analyzed in micromation and industrialization. Some problems being worth researching are proposed.

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随着工程构件的微型化和测量技术的精确化,室温蠕变变形被发现存在于很多金属中。With the micromation of mechanical components and the improvement of measurement accuracy, room temperature creep has been observed in many kinds of metals.

本论文针对农业环境监测中传感节点低成本、微型化的需求设计了一种基于无线传感器网络的环境温湿度信息采集系统。In this paper, according to the requirements of low cost and micromation in agriculture habitat monitoring, a WSN-based environment monitoring system is proposed.

随着MEMS技术的发展,侦察传感系统的微型化、智能化成为可能,微型机器人成为MEMS技术军事应用的一个重要发展方向。With the development of MEMS, the realization of micromation and intelligentization of scout system makes micro robot be an important research aspect in military affairs.

与传统伺服阀相比,以新型功能材料为电-机械转换器的电液伺服阀,具有高频响、高精度和易于微型化等优点。The electro-hydraulic servo valves in which some novel functional materials are applied to the actuators can have high frequency response and high precision and can be made by micromation.

随着LCOS技术的发展,投影仪趋于微型化,而投影系统的分辨力也不断提高,因此对投影仪的光源系统的要求就越来越高,希望得到高强度以及光学扩展量小的光束。With the advance in LCOS panel, LCOS projector is the only way to utilize a high resolution and micromation of the projector. Thus we require more intense, focused light with lower extended values.

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随着LCOS技术的发展,投影仪趋于微型化,而投影系统的分辨力也不断提高,因此对投影仪的光源系统的要求就越来越高,希望得到高强度以及光学扩展量小的光束。With the advances in LCOS panel, LCOS projector is the only way to utilize a high resolution and micromation of the projector. Thus we require more intense, focused light with lower etendue values.