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洛根蝮蛇是商务专业人士和作家。Logan Pallas is a business professional and writer.

他们如此一番祈祷,帕拉丝,雅典娜听到了他俩的声音。Thus they prayed, and Pallas Minerva heard their prayer.

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人们渴望和平,不要战争,结果这座城归了女神雅典娜。People love Peace but hate war . As a result, this city belongs to Pallas.

黑眉蝮蛇与鸟类的独特生态系统研究亦具较大意义。Saxatilis Pallas and birds of the unique ecosystem The study also a great meaning.

文氏•百丽沙国际健康美容有限公司隶属于中国文氏美容集团。PALLAS is part of the International Health & Beauty Co. , Ltd. China Beauty Group Wenckebach.

赫尔克里斯与雅典娜赫尔克里斯在森林里漫步时,看到前面地上有一个球挡住了路,他就一脚把它踢开了。Hercules and Pallas When Hercules was walking in the forest, he saw a ball lying on the ground.

这个女人,她生着我那失踪的朋友一样的脸蛋,又具有智慧女神雅典娜的风度,我是她手掌之中的什么角色呢?What am I in the hands of this woman, who has my lost friend's face and the manner of Pallas Athenè.

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一个庆祝雅典娜女神的希腊重要节日,泛雅典娜节,要追溯到特修斯国王时期。An important greek festival of pallas athene the panathenaea was dated from the days of king theseus.

钙离子在江浙蝮蛇毒酸性磷脂酶A_2中的作用是多方面的。Calcium ion has multiply-aspect interaction with acidic phospholipase A_2 from Agkistrodon halys Pallas.

结果表明,在黑龙江省开展蝮蛇的人工养殖是可行的。The results showed that it was possible to develop artificial raising of Pallas pit viper in Heilongjiang Province.

雅典娜的神像当伊拉斯最初建造特洛伊城时,他祈求宙斯赐福于这座城市。Pallas when Ilus had first built his new city, the city of troy, he prayed Zeus to show some sign of blessing for it.

雅典娜,智慧与力量的女神告诉大家女人并不需要成为男人而在世间成功。Pallas Athene, that productive and powerful goddess, shows that women do not have to be men to be effective in the world.

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站在高处望去,举水似一条弯弯曲曲的白练,两岸河堤如两条玉带紧紧拥抱着她。Standing height looked, lifting the water like a winding Bai Lian, the two sides embankments, such as 2 Pallas hugged her.

本研究表明微卫星分子标记可以应用于哲罗鱼的家系鉴定。This research indicated that the microsatellite DNA markers can be used for the parentage determination of Hucho taimen Pallas.

尼泊尔2008年废除君主制后,帕拉斯的父亲贾南德拉搬出纳拉扬希蒂王宫,帕拉斯本人移居新加坡。After the 2008 abolition of the monarchy in Nepal, Gyanendra, to move out the father of Pallas Narayan Xidi palace, Pallas I moved to Singapore.

蛇岛是我国珍贵的宝岛,以栖息大量单一蝮蛇而闻名于世,被称为“世界奇岛”。Snake island called as "the rare island of the world "is our countrys precious one, which is famous for only one kind of pallas pit vipers live there.

今后,文氏百丽沙还将不断向全国扩大和推广这美的事业,让更多的朋友拥有美丽,享受美丽!The future, PALLAS country will continue to expand and promote the cause of the United States, so that more friends have a beautiful, enjoy the beautiful!

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以上分析表明,异色瓢虫不同的色斑类型间,无论在宏观形态,还是在微观结构上都存在着差异。The results above suggested there were differences not only in the morphology , but in the microstructure of the different phenotypes of Harmonia axyridis Pallas.

一名目击者告诉法新社记者,帕拉斯与客人争吵后,在他的安全人员护送下离开餐厅,走到外面后,很生气的帕拉斯开了一枪。One witness told AFP, after an argument with the guests Pallas, in his security personnel escorted the restaurant, went outside, it was very angry Pallas fired a shot.

1998年在黑龙江省东部林区大海林林业局红旗林场,采用野外引种、模拟野外生态环境建立围墙式蛇圈等方法,开展了蝮蛇的人工养殖试验研究工作。Artificial raising of Pallas pit vipers had been studied with introducing wild viper and imitating natural conditions on Dahailin Forest Bureau of Heilongjiang Province from 1996-1998.