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模仿是至高的赞美。Fakery is a kind of a compliment.

中国政府允许且鼓励造假。The Chinese government allows and promotes fakery.

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当然,有一些是带有故意欺骗的性质。Now, certainly, there is a bit of willful fakery at work.

即使你没有被发现,但是我们仍然有理由去避免伪装。Even if you are not exposed, there is another reason to avoid fakery.

他喜欢无拘无束的儿童,但从未以多愁善感的虚伪来赞赏他们的“纯洁”。He loved children with no holds barred, but never with the sentimental fakery of admiring their “purity.”

每年秋季,造假行为还会延伸到海鲜市场和中国东部的阳澄湖,后者距离上海只需坐很短一程火车。Each fall, the fakery even extends to the world of seafood and East China's Yangcheng Lake, which is just a short train ride from Shanghai.

这当然是个严肃的问题,但是瞧瞧这些数据,如果你关注它就不会赞同“大规模造假”这种言论。There are certainly serious issues, but the figures, if you care to look at them do not support the assertion of "fakery on a massive scale".

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同样,在播客中,墨西哥成立了一特殊组织以此来反对近来日益猖獗的涉及大量青少年的绑架事件以及奥运开幕会的弄虚作假。Also, in the podcast, Mexico sets up a special unit to combat the recent rash of kidnappings, many involving teenagers and fakery at the opening of the Olympic Games.

这个例子以及其他许多广为人知的假照片,都是由眼尖人士研究照片复本,看出缺陷后才揭发造假。In that case, as with many of the most publicized instances of fraudulent images, the fakery was detected by alert people studying a copy of the image and seeing flaws of one kind or another.

细细观瞧这些照片,不经让人回想起这些年来我们曾经“欣赏”过的经典假图片事件——其中很多案例,我们都在本“超凡博客”中登载过。Poring over these images brought back memories of some of the classic crimes against photoshopping and image fakery we've enjoyed in recent years – many of which are showcased on this marvellous blog.