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他茫然的看着我。He looked at me blankly.

他一脸茫然地看着我。He looked at me blankly.

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我一脸茫然地看着他。I looked at him blankly.

他茫然若失地盯着她。He stared at her blankly.

奥斯卡惶然地遇到了她的目光。Oscar met her eyes blankly.

女人茫然地望着布莱克松。The woman stared at him blankly.

照说这姑娘还真是直肠子。You only got to say she was blankly?

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学生们甚至不肯茫然抬头看我一眼。The students didn’t even stare blankly at me.

她丈夫不愿见到她那毫无表情的脸。Her husband don't want to see her blankly face.

后者虽然笑容可掬,神色却有些茫然。The latter smiled blandly, but somewhat blankly.

罗密欧茫然地瞪视著他脚边的尸体。Romeo stared blankly at the dead body at his feet.

你向他提问,但他却面无表情的盯着你。You ask the question and he stares at you blankly.

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我呆呆地坐在座位上,茫然着盯着他的身影。I sat frozen in my seat, staring blankly after him.

男孩抬头茫然地看看她,然后摇摇头。The boy looked up at her blankly and then shook his head.

他只是站在那里茫然的看着我,再次眨了眨眼。He just stood there, staring at me blankly. He blinked again.

为什么总是莫名的发呆,然后就是感到悲伤。Why to always syare blankly ineffably , feel sadness namely next.

坐到车上后,Neal和我呆呆地看着车窗前方。Sitting in the car, Neal and I stare blankly out the front window.

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它对着杰克眨眼,呼吸着那有毒的空气。It stares blankly at him, taking in shuddering breaths of the poisonous air.

吸血鬼怔了怔,“我有口音?”他大笑起来。For a moment the vampire stared blankly . " I have an accent? " He began to laugh.

其他犯人安静地坐在一旁,双手交叠地放在膝上,眼睛直瞪瞪地望着前方。Most of them walked with downcast eyes or staring blankly straight in front of them.