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转移你的注视。Shift your gaze.

这是一个很大的转变。There is a major shift.

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他们等待着日班的工人来接班。I work on the day shift.

这标志者迅速的转变。This marks a rapid shift.

传达一种转变思想。Convey a shift in thought.

我开始转移我的注意力。I began to shift my focus.

小王的换班班次在下午1点。Wang works the 1 pm shift.

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我正在上大夜班。I am on my graveyard shift.

这个星期我当白班。I'm on day shift this week.

真正的男人开手动档车。Real men drive stick shift.

这是一个巨大的转变。This is a tremendous shift.

你能驾驶人工换挡的车吗?Can you drive a stick shift?

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下面来探讨另一个话题。Now I'd like to shift heels.

我们实行的工作是两班制。We are running on two shift.

我今天上夜班。I'm on the night shift today.

她上夜班。She works on the night shift.

夜班10点钟上工。The night shift starts at 10.

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对不起,我正赶去交班。Sorry, I'm changing shift now.

审核跟班质量报告。Check quality records of shift.

转移呼吸的焦点。Shift the focus of your breath.