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无私奉献。Selfless devotion.

正义即一个人的忠诚。Justice is devotion to one's own.

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我的每条血管为献身而跳动。Each vein of mine throbs with devotion.

音乐可以激发我们决志和向神委身。It can stir us to decision and devotion.

陀鲁婆虔诚的背后是欲望。Behind Dhruva's devotion there was desire.

一项事业需要我们毕生的奉献。A career nee ds our devotion all our lives.

尼希米是位十分爱神的人。Nehemiah was a man full of devotion to God.

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她对母亲的爱非言语所能形容。Her devotion to her mother was beyond words.

对于她对他的钟情,他从未报之以冷淡。He had never discouraged her devotion to him.

老人的挚爱是催人奋进的。The devotion of the aged couple is inspiring.

我们必须赤胆忠心为人民。We must serve the people with utter devotion.

我们未能通过谆谆教诲使学生们热爱知识。We' re moved by his devotion to his students.

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女人远比男人有奉献精神。In devotion woman is sublimely superior to man.

怜悯是女子胜过男子的德性之一。In devotion woman is sublimely superior to man.

忠忱的真谛,就是忘我。The real name of devotion is disinterestedness.

他们崇拜希特勒对种族纯化所做的贡献。They praise Hitler's devotion to ethnic purity.

乔对工作的投入让他牺牲了他的婚姻。Joe's devotion to his job cost him his marriage.

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她把这些都献给了你,你会感觉受之有愧。You owe it to her to be worthy of such devotion.

让我们专心一意奉献给主。Let us be single-minded in our devotion to Jesus.

人生就是一盘棋,而幸福就是投入。Life is a chess game while happiness is devotion.