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她的问题激怒了他。Her questions aggravate him.

咖啡因会加重某些心脏问题。Caffeine can aggravate certain heart problems.

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压力可能会让你的一些PMS症状恶化。Stress can aggravate some of your PMS symptoms.

压力。压力可能会让你的一些PMS症状恶化。Stress. Stress can aggravate some of your PMS symptoms.

因此房价的变动使经济周期恶化。So changes to house prices aggravate the economic cycle.

体制化背景加剧了其文学命运的悲剧性。System background aggravate literature their destiny tragic.

也许盖达跨越利用,加剧了不稳定。Maybe al Qaeda leaps to exploit and aggravate the instability.

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这可能会刺激您的膀胱,并加剧您的病情。This might irritate your bladder and aggravate your condition.

高跟鞋不会导致拇趾囊肿,但他们肯定会加重他们。High heels don't cause bunions, but they sure can aggravate them.

不过,这种睡姿也是以加重打鼾而著名。However, the same sleep position is well known to aggravate snoring.

干旱少雨使原来就很严重的粮食短缺问题更加严重。Inadequate rain aggravate the serious problem of the shortage of food.

久坐会加重这个问题,因为久坐会让腰背部紧张。Prolonged sitting can aggravate the injury, as can a tight lower back.

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这就意味着不管多么恼怒不满,都不要随意乱叫,大发牢骚。That means no yelling or whining, no matter how much they aggravate you.

SRBD继发的心律改变和高血压可加重VBI。While the arrhythmia and hypertension secondary to SRBD may aggravate VBI.

睾丸激素疗法还可能加重心脏病、癫痫症症状和引起睡眠障碍。Testosterone can also aggravate heart disease, epilepsy and sleep problems.

所有均是怀孕安全的成分,不会加剧晨吐。And all in a safe-for-pregnancy-potion that won't aggravate morning sickness.

理论上讲,机体的免疫系统不应过分受到刺激,否则其敏感症和免疫力将恶化。In theory, an over-stimulated immune system could aggravate allergies or autoimmunity.

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加重犯是在基本刑以外由刑法规定更重的法定刑的犯罪形态。The aggravated offense is a criminal state with more aggravate penalty than basic one.

如果俄罗斯想让事态恶化,这笔债务完全可拿来大做文章。If the Russians wanted to aggravate matters, this debt could become an explosive issue.

这些组合形式,往往加剧了本区山地灾害的破坏程度。This combined forms often aggravate the failure degree of mountain hazard in this area.