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科恩松就是一个明显的例子。A prime example is the bristlecone pine.

科恩在美国加州松树山。Bristlecone pine in the mountains of California.

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加利福尼亚州的一棵狐尾松已经有四千七百多年寿命了A Bristlecone Pine in California is 4,700 years old

新培育的具抵抗力的树苗就栽种到针毬松生长区。The new resistanttrees will be planted in bristlecone habitat.

在加利福尼亚洲,他拍下了一棵芒松,这棵树至少有3000年的树龄。In California, he photographed a bristlecone pine that is at least 3000 years old.

狐尾松的寿命可以达到5000年,因而可以用它来推测年代。Bristlecone pines, which can live for up to 5000 years, have been used in such work.

地球上有些古老的树类,诸如刺果松,并非像人类那样成长。And some of the oldest trees on earth, the great bristlecone pines, don’t seem to age like we do.

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而生长在美国西部的一些狐尾松已经4000多岁了。其秧苗初长之时,埃及人正在修建金字塔呢。Some bristlecone pine trees in the American West are more than 4000 years old, seedlings at the time the Egyptians were building the Pyramids.

有些人运气好,可以把食虫植物种在窗台或后院,但是你不像是其中一个。Your garden is probably an unsuitable place for carnivorous plants, just as it is probably unsuitable for cacti, bristlecone pine trees, or mangroves.

这些狐尾松可能是世界上最为古老的树木了,然而,与这张令人惊艳的照片中那些在其背后大放异彩的繁星相比,它还倘若孩提。It might be one of the oldest trees in the world, but this bristlecone pine is actually just a baby compared to the stars that shine behind it in this stunning picture.