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2006年,天星码头的迁拆更强化了这类行动。The demolishment of the Star Ferry Pier in 2006 intensified such movements.

任何一个骨架系统的破坏均可引起细胞粘弹性系数的显著降低。The demolishment of any skeleton system will induce to obvious reduce of coefficient of viscoelasticity.

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计算机网络安全是一个国际化的问题,每年全球因计算机网络的安全系统被破坏而造成的经济损失达数百亿美元。Computer Network' s safe is a world' s problem, every year we loss more than two million because of demolishment.

城市发展必然伴随着拆迁,拆迁向来是非常敏感的社会问题。Urban development is necessarily companied by demolishment and relocation, which is always a sensitive social issue.

第十条房屋拆迁资格证自颁发之日起有效期为二年。Article 10 The valid term of a Building Demolishment Qualification Certificate shall be two years from the day of issuance.

位于南达科塔扬克顿的的艺术装饰人类服务中心,其中的11个历史建筑接到一个州指令面临而拆除危险。The Art Deco Human Services Center in Yankton, S.D., faces demolishment of 11 historic buildings in a directive from the state.

位于南达科塔扬克顿的的艺术装饰人类服务中心,其中的11个历史建筑接到一个州指令面临而拆除危险。The Art Deco Human Services Center in Yankton, S. D. , faces demolishment of 11 historic buildings in a directive from the state.

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代为拆除或迁葬者,其费用在其应领补偿金额内扣回。The expenses of the demolishment or relocation paid by the competent authorities should be deducted from the compensation currency.

“二战”以来,科技的负面效应逐渐突现出来,特别是核危机、生态环境的污染与破坏。Since the World War II, the side effect of science and technology appears gradually, especially for nuke crisis and demolishment of environments.

并藉由袪水、双环塞固结灌浆及防洪安全门等工程措施,辅助钻石链锯进行镜面破除切割。Ground water draw down, double parker grouting and flooding gate erection were performed prior the diamond wire saw demolishment of existing structures.

不符合条件的,应当作出不予颁发房屋拆迁许可证的决定,并且书面说明理由。If the requirements aren't met, it shall make a decision on the disapproval of issuing the building demolishment license, and shall make written explanations.

市房地产行政主管部门应当加强对拆迁补偿安置资金使用的监督。The administrative department for real estate of the Municipality shall strengthen the supervision over the use of the demolishment compensation and resettlement fund.

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违反规定的,由市容环境卫生管理部门责令限期改建或者拆除。Any party violating the provisions shall be ordered by the administrative department of sanitation to effect reconstruction or demolishment within a prescribed time limit.

拆迁人应当自接到书面通知之日起七日内,到市房地产行政主管部门办理有关变更房屋拆迁许可证的手续。The demolisher shall, within 7 days from the day when it receives the written notice, go through the formalities for the modification of the building demolishment license.

随着大功率冲击式拆除机械和爆破技术在拆除工程中的应用,拆除噪声问题日显突出。As the high- power strike demolishing machines and the explosive technique in demolishment have been wildly employed, the problem of demolishing noise has become so conspicuous.

针对目前回转窑整体式滚圈在铸造、运输、安装及拆卸等过程中存在的难度,提出设计剖分式滚圈的设想,以解决整体式滚圈存在的问题。In order to solve the problems of rotary kiln in the overall rolling ring such as casting, transportation, installation and demolishment. Try to design rolling ring in split form.

在此研究的基础上,本文指出城市房屋拆迁问题的解决需要使各方拆迁主体在拆迁利益均衡中共享社会发展的成果。Based on this research, the present thesis points out that the solution of the problems in the demolishment calls for the balance of interest and the sharing of profit by all the groups.

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市和区、县国土房管局应当建立拆迁档案制度,加强对拆迁档案资料的管理。The land and housing administrations of the districts and counties shall establish a system of demolishment archives and shall strengthen the administration of the materials relevant to demolishment.