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有一缕缕的浓烟,this huge plume of smoke,

尾部的披毛更长,在尾巴形成羽毛状。Longer hair on the tail forms a plume.

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从烟囱里冒出一缕轻烟。A plume of smoke rose from the chimney.

核幔边界是产生热幔柱的位置。Thus the plume is clarified at the boundary.

地幔羽应称为氢羽。The mantle plume is really the hydrogen plume.

尾巴毛量丰厚形成羽毛状。The tail is profusely coated and forms a plume.

辐射尘最远到达了加拿大。The plume of radiation reached as far as Canada.

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这张图片中羽毛状的泡沫是在铝土废料中形成的。This photo shows a plume of foam in bauxite waste.

如果羽状的烟雾窜出并且上升,将足以使船沉没。If a plume blows out and rises, it can sink the ship.

她的头部带着羽毛做成的羽饰和一个黄金面具。Her head sports a plume of feathers and a golden mask.

LRO和地面望远镜也分析了羽毛。LRO and ground-based telescopes also analyzed the plume.

北太平洋的海鹦,每只眼睛上方有一簇黄色的羽毛。Pacific puffin having a large yellow plume over each eye.

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顽皮的紫色鹦鹉啄粉红色鹦鹉的羽毛。The playful purple parrot pecked the pink parrot's plume.

在爱华市的街道上,一股黑烟从燃烧的轮胎上冉冉升起。Out in Epworth, there is a plume of smoke from burning tyres.

这张图片可以看到曼哈顿地区上升中的烟柱。The image shows a smoke plume rising from the Manhattan area.

整个喀布尔都能看到腾起的黑烟。The rising plume of black smoke could be seen all over Kabul.

伴着这最后的一米阳光,沉沉地睡去…With the last plume of sunlight, Lounging fall into a slumber.

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别留下你黑色的羽毛作为你灵魂谎过言的象征!Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!

洪荒初开或许只是一阵神秘的烟气。The birth of universe perhaps was just a mysterious plume of smoke.

应当具有一个波浪状羽毛一样,至极柔嫩的尾巴。Should have a well furred tail with the appearance of a waving plume.