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快步跃舞向黄蜂。To dance a jig for the bumblebee.

大黄蜂在这集当中会怎么样?What about Bumblebee? How's he doing?

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擎天柱和大黄蜂是真男人。It is real man, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee.

一只大黄蜂正在一株亚利桑那向日葵上吸取花蜜。A bumblebee draws nectar from an Arizona sunflower.

我尝试了很长时间去框住这个大黄蜂。I was trying to frame this bumblebee for a long time.

“短毛熊蜂非常挑食,”她说。The short-haired bumblebee is a very fussy eater, " she said.

这给熊蜂授粉的推广带来困难。This brings difficulty to the promotion of bumblebee pollination.

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你也许记得,梅根福克斯现场固定在变压器野蜂。You probably remember the scene of Megan Fox fixing Bumblebee in Transformers.

在好多方面,许多人都像美洲鹫、蝙蝠和大黄蜂一样。It many ways, there are many people like the buzzard, the bat and the bumblebee.

一只鸟在第一次吃到一只颜色鲜亮的大黄蜂时它得到了一个糟糕的惊喜。The first time a bird eats abrightly coloured bumblebee it gets a nasty surprise.

科学家发现了一种人工饲养方法,稀有的熊蜂笃定回归英国。Scientists have discovered a way of breeding the short-haired bumblebee in captivity.

大黄蜂是表情要求最多的,也是最难的,因为大黄蜂没有嘴。Bumblebee required the most emotional range, difficult because he didn’t have a mouth.

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的雪佛兰卡玛洛将再次有一个盯着电影中的作用,返回的“大黄蜂”。The Chevy Camaro will again have a staring role in the film, returning as "Bumblebee."

我也从我身边寻找标本,如大黄蜂和蜻蜓。Though I do salvage insects that I find right at hand, the occassional bumblebee or dragonfly.

一些著名的大黄蜂种类已经不再常见了,其他的蜂种也越来越稀少。Some notable bumblebee species are rarely seen anymore, with others becoming increasingly scarce.

了你的性格您好-或你错过了卡玛洛第一去了。The Bumblebee movie character had you at hello – or you missed the Camaro on its first go-around.

变形金刚“大黄蜂”在澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院和悉尼港大桥前“现身”。The statue of Autobot "Bumblebee" stands in front of Sydney Opera House in Australia, Nov. 5, 2009.

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来自华盛顿芭蕾舞学院的赛普提姆·韦布尔的几个学生在剧中扮演大黄蜂。Septime Webre had young students from the Washington School of Ballet dance the part of bumblebee insects.

很多种类的大黄蜂其数量都在减少,这主要归咎于栖息地的丧失和病原体的引入。Many bumblebee species are in decline, mainly because of habitat loss and likely due to introduced pathogens.

雪莉是在一英里外看到这只又大又肥的大黄蜂,她保持距离以策安全,因为她今天已经被蛰两次了。Shelly saw it a mile away. A big, fat bumblebee. She kept her distance. Already today she had been stung twice.