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但是,戈德斯通没有在他发表于华盛顿邮报上的文章中收回这一指控。And Goldstone did not retract that charge in his newspaper article.

戈德斯通说,如果他当时知晓他现在获知的事实,这份报告会看上去很不一样。Goldstone said if he knew then what he knows now, the report would have looked much different.

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由于美国的强压,阿巴斯起初放弃努力,不再争取支持戈德斯通报告通过。Intense US pressure initially led Abbas to drop his efforts to secure a vote endorsing the Goldstone report.

理查德.戈德斯通已声称他们的团队是公正无私的,但是以色列是否给予配合还不明朗。Richard Goldstone has said his team will be impartial, but it is not yet clear whether Israel will co-operate.

不顾来自美国和以色列的反对,联合国人权委员会通过了一份批评以色列和哈马斯在加沙战争中犯有战争罪行的报告。UN human rights council passes resolution endorsing Goldstone report, which accused Israel and Hamas of war crimes

以色列指责戈德斯通小组的调查不公正而拒绝与其合作,并同时开展了自己的调查。Israel accused the Goldstone investigation team refused to cooperate with injustice, and also conducted its own investigation.

内塔尼亚胡说,很少见到那些传播诽谤言论的人收回自己的说法,但这在戈德斯通的报告上发生了。The Israeli prime minister said it is rare for those who disseminate libel to retract it, but that is what happened with the Goldstone Report.

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戈德斯通曾建议人权理事会将他的报告递交联合国安理会、联合国大会和国际刑事法院。Goldstone had recommended that the human rights council pass his report to the UN security council, the UN general assembly and the international criminal court.

Goldstone法官称,由以色列军方进行,联合国委员会确认的调查表明,以色列当时并没有针对巴勒斯坦平民。Judge Goldstone said investigations by the Israeli military and recognized by a UN committee had shown that Israel did not intentionally target Palestinian civilians.

哈马斯发言人巴荷姆说,戈德斯通屈服在以色列、美国和全球犹太游说集团的威胁和压力下。Fawzi Barhoum, a spokesman for the organization, said Goldstone caved into threats and pressure from Israel, the United States and Jewish lobby groups around the world.

继现任安理会成员国利比亚提出应对哥耳德斯通报告进行讨论后,联合国安理会将于明天在纽约就中东问题提前展开辩论。In New York tomorrow the UN security council will hold a debate on the Middle East, brought forward after Libya, a current council member, said the Goldstone report should be discussed.