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我就是“犹太披头士”。I was like the Jewish Beatle.

让我们来谈谈狂热,先从甲壳虫热说起。Let's talk about manias. Let's start with Beatle mania.

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是的,我都感觉我们像披头士一样出名了。我就是“犹太披头士”。Yes It was like being in the Beetles. I was like the Jewish Beatle.

传奇组合披头四的乔治哈里森在与肺癌斗争多年后去世。Legendary Beatle George Harrison died after a long battle with lung cancer.

无论走到哪里,庞梅都带上照相机。这是她在披头士早期成员斯图亚特·萨特克里夫家里拍下的照片。Where May goes, her camera follows. Here she is at the family home of original Beatle Stuart Sutcliffe.

然而,此次行动遭到了动物权利保护者等国际社会的谴责,前披头士乐队成员保罗·麦卡尼也对这次行动进行了谴责。However, the cull drew international condemnation from animal rights activists, including former Beatle Paul McCartney.

1980年12月查普曼从夏威夷住所飞往纽约市,准备刺杀传奇的披头士歌手。In December 1980 Chapman flew from his Hawaii residence to New York City on a mission to shoot and kill the legendary Beatle.

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但同时他们又担心,年轻人会因政府对列侬的驱逐而反对尼克松,披头士的策略很聪明。At the same time they're worried that, you know, young voters will vote against Nixon for kicking out, you know, the clever Beatle.

麦卡特尼驻伦敦的发言人周五证实,麦卡特尼已经和与其相恋四年的纽约商界女友订婚,但拒绝透露更多细节。The London-based spokesman for the former Beatle confirmed on Friday that McCartney and Shevell were engaged, but declined to give further details.

成员约翰˙蓝侬遗孀小野洋子在冰岛首都雷克亚维克北方海外的维第岛,为预定竖立和平纪念柱的地点祈福。Yoko Ono, the widow of Beatle John Lennon, blesses the site where a peace column will be erected on Videy island, off the north coast of Reykjavík, Iceland October 9, 2006.

我不认为楼上所提及的丁俊晖承受巨大压力的说法,他在自己的国家就像一个摩登女备受关注,而对于世界另一端的人们来说,他的关注者们并没有那么多。I dont think The others you mention have had to cope with Dings pressure, he is like a beatle in his own country and with the tour on the other side of the globe he doesnt see much of home.

前披头士乐队成员、著名流行音乐人保罗·麦卡特尼将于下月初在美国白宫接受第三届“格什温流行音乐奖”的颁奖。Legendary musician Paul McCartney will perform at the White House in June, where President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle will present the former Beatle with a prize honoring his career.