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我把手印印在卡片上。I sign the card with my handprint.

我想到了另外一个主意。我把手印印在卡片上。I get another idea. I sign the card with my handprint.

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每年在学校里的艺术课上,我都要做那些看上去很愚蠢的手印火鸡。I also grew up making those silly handprint turkeys in art classes at school.

当乔纳森跟上去时,他看到了儿子留在玻璃门上的手印。When Jonathan followed him, he saw his boy's handprint as it remained on the glass.

他把衬衫拉高,我看到在他的肩膀处有一个完整的红色的掌印。He then pulled his shirt off and there, on his shoulder, was a perfect, red handprint.

南面墙上,参观者将看到一个法令签署的第五大的手印。On the south wall, visitors will see an edict signed with the Great Fifth's handprint.

那里也有一个手印,是当中一名原始人在软泥上失足所造成。There is also a handprint , made when one of the primitive humans slipped on the soft earth.

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每个人都那张写有他们名字的大纸上印下他们的手指印。Have everyone imprint a fingerpaint handprint on a big sheet of paper with their name underneath.

有一次他生起气来,在去售货处的路上一巴掌拍到门梁上面,那里至今还留着那个手印。Once when mad he smacked the overhang on the way to Vending and there’s still a handprint up there.

看着很象同样的手印她叫玛丽·华辛顿,在韦恩堡。印第安纳州死于谋杀至今未能结案。Looks like the same handprint. Her name was Mary Worthington an unsolved murder in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

目的探讨手印长、宽与身高之间的关系。Objective To explore the relationship between the length and width of the handprint and the body height.

我们的瓶上的手印代表主酿酒厂,工人的手和手真正梅斯卡尔导引头的手。The handprint on our bottle represents the hand of the master distiller, the hand of the worker and the hand of the seeker of true mezcal.

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制成品更获安排于新创建集团旗下公司管理的新世界中心外墙展出,藉此带出爱护大自然的讯息。To spread the message of nature conservation, the handprint was displayed in one of NWS Holding's management property, the New World Centre.

已经多次染指意大利冠军的米兰老板现在已经完全认可了他的执教方式。The Reggiolo-born boss has left his unique handprint on the Italian champions who have now become totally identified with his style of management.

十年前,我绝对不会穿牛仔裤去办公室,而现在我大概每周都会穿上一次,不过是搭配西装上衣和高跟鞋,牛仔裤上偶尔还会有小小的香蕉手印。Ten years ago I never would have worn jeans to the office, and now they creep in about once a week, albeit with a blazer and heels, and occasionally a teeny banana handprint.

在杀死一条里什鳗以后,雷克斯碰了回声的铠甲,在他的盔甲上留下了一个鳗血的手印。这个手印在该集剩下的时间中一直存在,使得回声更容易被出来。Rex touches Echo's armor after killing a Rishi eel, leaving a handprint of eel blood on his armor that remains throughout the rest of the episode, making Echo easier to identify.

通过文献资料法、实证研究法和数理统计法分析吉林省高山滑雪运动员与普通人的手纹特征。With the methods of documentary information, demonstration and mathematical statistics, the article analyzes the handprint trait of alpine skiers and ordinary people in Jilin province.

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黎巴嫩红十字会成员在首都贝鲁特体育城体育场展示了一份4600平方米大的手印画,该画创造了新的吉尼斯世界纪录。On October 31, a 4600-square-meter handprint artwork was assembled at the Cite Sportive stadium in Beirut, Lebanon. And it breaks the Guinness World Record for the largest handprint work.

小岗村18位村民摁下红手印、冒死实行“大包干”的字据拉开了我国农村改革甚至整个改革的帷幕。Xiaogang Village, 18 villagers pressed under the red handprint , risking the "big contracting" receipt of the opening of China's rural reform as a whole and even the reform of the curtain.