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蝎毒介入治疗肝癌可改善症状。Scorpion venom can meliorate symptom of hepatic carcinoma.

所以,给面试官一个好心情,说说称赞的话。So apt put an interviewer in a meliorate mood, attempt a praise.

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如果现在交货我们较能保证如期交到。We could certify delivery meliorate whether you would take it now.

脂肪替代品能明显改善低脂冰淇淋的感官品质。The fat substitute could meliorate the sensory properties of low fat ice cream.

大多数的美国人都承认没有什么比得上一顿自家做的餐点。Most Americans will agree namely there's nought meliorate than a good home-cooked repast.

目前研究表明,改变膳食结构可起到有效预防肿瘤的作用。According to recent studies, to meliorate the dietary pattern can prevent from tumour effectively.

粉煤灰对混凝土界面区这个薄弱环节有明显的改善作用。Fly ash can meliorate IIobviously the transient zone of interface of the cement paste and aggregate.

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地膜覆盖可有效改善作物根部生态环境、减少地面糙率和地面蒸发。Film mulch can effectively meliorate the root entironment of crop and decrease ground roughness and evaporation.

打破垄断可以产生竞争,这会给公众带来更好的质量和更低的价格。The change of monopolies creates competition, which leads to meliorate quality and modify prices for the public.

建立和完善新闻法制的条件已经成熟,尽快完善社会主义新闻法制已是当务之急。The author believes that it is time for us to establish and meliorate news legislation with socialism characteristics.

有效改善手部干燥、粗糙、老茧、皲裂、黝黑、色素沉着等问题。It can meliorate your hands and make hands free from dryness, roughness, callus, chap, darkness, pigmentation and so on.

优化燃烧条件是促进完全燃烧,改善和降低有害气体和颗粒排放的前提。Optimization of the combustion environment is an effective measure to meliorate and reduce the emissions of harmful gas and particle.

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通过对磁场描绘仪的改进,提高了探测线圈的感应电压,从而使实验效果明显改善。Through amplifying the inductive voltage in detective coil, we meliorate the apparatus and thus improved the experiment result considerably.

对中国而言,管理层收购的最大特点就是其对管理层激励的改善是以公司所有权结构的重大调整为前提的。As in China, the outstanding characteristic of MBO is to dramatically adjust corporate ownership structure to meliorate the management motivation.

在设计算法的研究方面,本文针对不同问题与阶段,研究了运用知识改善求解质量与降低计算复杂度的多种求解技术与策略。On the algorithm research, several techniques and strategies are developed so as to reduce the complexity and meliorate the quality of the solutions.

积极发展存货质押融资业务是改善我国中小企业融资难的一条有效途径。To develop inventory financing actively is an effective approach to meliorate the financing difficulty for the small-and-medium enterprises in China.

“净浆裹石”搅拌工艺可以大大改善界面过渡区结构,从而提高混凝土的强度。And the Stone Enveloped with Cement can meliorate distinctly the structure of the transition zone of interface, thus the strength of concrete is improved.

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结果表明,微波在短时间内快速地提高板栗果脯的渗糖速率,而且能明显减少传统煮糖带来的褐变现象。The result shows that microwave could speed up the sugar permeability in short time during processing sugared chestnut and meliorate browning characteristic.

这对改善冷加工成形后材料的电化学性能,提高材料在腐蚀介质中的稳定性是有益的。Solution treatment is helpful to meliorate the electrochemical property and to improve the electrochemical stability of the cold worked material in corrodent medium.

结果表明,设置缆风索能大幅提升结构整体刚度,从而使结构自振基频得到提高,且效果明显。Results show the cable wind-proof wire may greatly meliorate integral structural rigidity and improves the self-vibration fundamental frequency and the effect is quite obvious.