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我正看着他的裤裆呢。I'm looking at his crotch.

你跟我说“胯下”吗?You're saying "crotch" to me?

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格洛弗狠狠地踢他的胯部。Glover kicked him hard in the crotch.

那孩子坐在树的桠杈上。The child was sitting on a crotch of a tree.

你怎么能让他对着你的胯下说话?How can you let him talk to your crotch like that?

我如何确知她不会乱踢乱踹,或咬我的裤裆?How do I know she won't kick, or bite at my crotch?

这是一个新的开放裆米色身体塑造者。This is a new beige body shaper with an open crotch.

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又名得到一个不明来历的一些人认为,木匠枝杈材。AKA get an unrequested view of some carpenters crotch.

拿出一段某男子裆部被撞的视频。You show a film clip of a man being hit in the crotch.

巫毒老二就冲向她的跨下、开始了活塞运动。The voodoo dick shot to her crotch and started pumping.

它是一个小的塑料桶状空间,有便池和真空管。It's a small plastic bucket with a crotch cup and a vacuum.

把一段视频给几个朋友欣赏一下,视频中有个男子的裆部被撞了。You show some friends a clip of a man being hit in the crotch.

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它的头夹在我的两腿之间,利齿已咬穿我的裤裆。Its head went between my legs and its teeth dug into my crotch.

她的泳装裤裆里有一些沙粒。There were grains of sand ih the crotch of her swimming costume.

你可以看到在左边和右边的腿裆下摆。You can see the crotch on the left and the leg hem on the right.

他就把那个用在船上的舵轮系在裤子的胯部。He's got the ship's steering wheel attached to the crotch of his pants.

刚给小狗穿上新的宠物装,它就尿了,把胯裆处尿湿了一大片!The minute the dog wore new pet clothes it urinated and wet its crotch.

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当他会把双脚伸展开,坐在你对面,展示他的胯部。He'll spread his legs while sitting opposite, to give you a crotch display.

如果她站或坐在她的枝杈材直在你,这是一个良好的迹象。If she stands or sits with her crotch straight at you, this is a good sign.

裤子的合体与否主要取决于上裆结构设计。The fitness of pants depends mainly on the structural design of the crotch.