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这是唯一需要的东西。This is the one thing needful.

新鲜空气和必要的休息是最好的医生。And needful rest are the best of all physicians.

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一部好的法律对人民是必要的。A good law is needful for the good of the people.

耶稣说,马大,马大,不可少的只有一件。Jesus said, Martha, Martha, one thing is needful.

然而我在肉身活着,为你们更是要紧的。Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you.

古奇集团在电子邮件声明中称,“如果必要,古奇将采取任何有用的措施来保护自身权利。”If necessary, Gucci will take any needful step to protect its rights.

自噬是VCR诱导的L02细胞自噬性凋亡所需要的。Autophagy is needful to autophagic apoptosis of L02cells induced by VCR.

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一个特定的群体被推动了边缘,我们不能坐视不管,得采取必要的措施。One particular community was pushed to the brink and we had to do the needful.

锻链、节制、新鲜空气和必要的休息是最好的。Exercise, temperance, fresh air, and needful rest are the best of all physicians.

锻链、节制、新鲜空气和必要的休息是最好的医生。Exercise, temperance, fresh air, and needful rest are the best of all physicians.

一个人要是懂得,到了莽原上时该怎么办,那是很有用处的。It was needful a man should know what he was doing when he went upon the heather.

锻鍊、节制、新鲜空气和必要的休息是最好的医生。Exercise, temperance , fresh air, and needful rest are the best of all physicians.

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如果我们找不到我们所需要的机器,那我们就试着有手工来做。If we are can not find my needful machine, well then we are going to made of by hand.

在祂爱的阳光下等候会叫我们渐渐成熟,在试炼的黑云下等候也是如此。Waiting under the cloud of trial, that breaks in showers of blessings, is as needful.

需要有一种对人心的知识来彻底解决那一问题。A knowledge of men's hearts will be needful to the completest solution of that problem.

霍布斯在书的第30章说,一部好的法律,对维护人民的福祉是非常必要的A good law," he says in chapter 30, "is that which is needful for the good of the people."

霍布斯在书的第30章说,一部好的法律,对维护人民的福祉是非常必要的“A good law," he says in chapter 30, "is that which is needful for the good of the people."

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我提到提前购买一些小需要的东西,比如婴儿泰诺。I mentioned planning to buy some small needful things, like infant Tylenol, while you travel.

黑面琵鹭的觅食能力不很强,因此需要更多的保护。Black-faced spoonbills are not voracious feeders , and so are even more needful of protection.

这种权利不仅适用于我们的生活,还适用于我们所认为的一切可以,维护生活所需的行为。We not only have a right to our lives but to do whatever we regard as needful to protect our lives.