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将你的调色盘涂成蓝色和灰色。Paint your palette blue and grey.

给你的画板抹上蓝灰的油彩。paint your palette blue and grey.

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在此您可以自己建立调色盘。Here you can build a palette of custom colors.

这是节假日烹调创意的主色调。It's the palette of holiday culinary creativity.

他手中拿着一个调色板和一支画笔。In his arms, he carried a palette and paintbrushes.

你也可以在形状工具的选项板里找到这些图形。You can find them in your shape-tool options palette.

编辑器的右侧提供了面板。Along the right-hand side of the editor is the Palette.

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图层和图层面板是另一个值得注意的地方。Layers and the layers palette were other areas of note.

星夜,你的调色板上只涂上了蓝与灰。Starry starry night , Paint your palette blue and grey.

星夜下调色板上只有蓝与灰。Starry, starry night, paint your palette blue and gray.

用铅笔工具,在选项栏上选择1像素的笔刷。Use the Pencil tool, select 1px brush from the palette.

那夜繁星点点,你在画板上涂抹着灰与蓝。Starry, starry night , Paint your palette blue and gray.

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位图与调色板源代码。Zip- Position chart and palette source code zip, Visual.

保持对象的选定,并打开探路者的调色盘。Keep the object selected and open the Pathfinder Palette.

带有更具吸引力的调色板的新可视化门户主题。New visual portal theme with more attractive color palette.

打开路径查找器面板,点击”分割“按钮。Bring up the Pathfinder palette and click the Divide button.

界面设计器页面提供了一个集成化的配置板。The Screen Designer Design page provides an integrated palette.

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调色板上乱七八糟的污痕证实了这句话。Various dry, muddy smears on the palette confirmed this statement.

结果,整个寓所变成了一个白色的调色盘,上面恰到好处的点缀着鲜艳的色彩。the resulting palette of white with pops of color definitely works.

她用了很大的色盘来设计今年的游衣系列。In designing this year's swimwear , she made use of a large palette.