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我们不会强求和平。We cannot impose peace.

是英国皇家海军可怕的震慑力?Royal Navy's fearful impose?

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大家都欺负戴夫脾气好。Everyone impose on Dave's good nature.

你不应该拿劣酒卖给顾客。You must not impose bad wine on customers.

我不想给你增加新负担。I have no wish to impose a new burden on you.

政府可能要强制征收进口货物税。The government may impose tariffs on imports.

政府应向私家车主征收针对污染的税种。THW impose a tax on pollution for private cars.

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沵哭着対涐妁,童话里都是骗人的。You cry to impose the E, fairy tales are lying.

老师不会对全体学生实施惩罚。Teachers will not impose whole-class punishments.

我不能把我自己的价值标准和观点强加在任何其他人身上。I can’t impose my values and views on anyone else.

我们不想把自己的思想意识强加于人。We do not aim to impose our ideas on other people.

好几部联邦法律部对石油泄漏的责任做了规定。Several federal laws impose liability for oil spills.

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因为行为恶劣,老唐常遭儿子施以拳脚。Because of bad behavior, his son Ken often impose fist.

我试图用我的有关信仰的观点影响我的案主吗?Do I try to impose my views on belief upon my patients?

甚至他们在特殊领域缴纳的税也比较轻。Even the taxes they impose in certain areas are lesser.

政府利用关税来保护当地产业。Governments impose tarrifs to protect local industries.

我认为把自己的想法强迫接受给别人是不合错误的。I thellonk it's wrong to impose your thoughts on others.

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相反,我们却实行贸易禁运或是把某人投进监狱。Instead, we impose an embargo or throw someone in prison.

卡塔尔人通常不将这种形式强加于外国人。Qataris do not universally impose the style on foreigners.

体育管理者们渴望着实现诚信的新方式。Sports administrators long for new ways to impose honesty.