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你说你伤心流泪了!You said you were cry brokenly.

“我已经祈祷过了,”他断续说。"I have prayed, " he said brokenly.

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“你是好孩子,珍妮,”他继续说。"You're a good girl, Jennie, " he said brokenly.

“我要走了,卡里太太,”乔治伤心地说。"I'm going away, Mrs. Cary, " said George brokenly.

他小时候只断断续续地接受过初等教育。He received primary education brokenly when he was a kid.

一年多来,小志已经断断续续换了七个老板。Come one many year, little sign had changed 7 employers brokenly.

觉得挺好玩儿。就这样,断断续续的有几年时间。A feels to hold out amusing. such, have a few years of time brokenly.

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“你听,你听,”他断续地说,“我从前不懂得的事情现在有许多懂得了。"There, there, " he said brokenly , "I understand a lot of things I didn't.

“我爱她,”他断断续续地说道,“自从我们相遇那天起,我就是为她而活。"I love her, " he said brokenly. "Since the day we met, I've only lived for her.

断断续续开发了很长时间,期间经历了从丈夫到父亲的过程。Developed for a long time brokenly , experienced during arrive from the husband father's process.

读到这些话,汤玛斯不禁心碎而泣,知道自己忽略了她,而她不过是一心想跟他说说话而已。I guess he will not come today. " He wept brokenly , realizing his neglect of her and her desire just to talk with him."

他在一张躺椅上整整躺了一个下午,闭着眼睛,大部分时间都在断断续续地打瞌睡,晚上上床也很早。He spent the afternoon in a deck-chair, with closed eyes, dozing brokenly most of the time, and in the evening went early to bed.

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广泛应用于冶金、水利、电力、建材、煤炭等行业破碎筛分作业中。Apply to sieve brokenly in the homework in such trades as the metallurgy , water conservancy , electricity , building materials , coal , etc. extensively.

我告诉你的是事实,我在疗程的头三天身穿晨衣跌跌撞撞地拖着腿行走,几乎无法说话,总想上洗手间。When I tell you that I spent the first three days of my stay shuffling brokenly in my dressing gown, barely able to speak and always within close proximity of a lav, I am being factual.

卡琳和苏伦同样的形容消瘦,面色苍白,她们时睡时醒,醒时便躺在那张高高的四柱床上,瞪着大眼低声闲聊。在过去光景较好的日子里,她们就一起在这张床上喁喁私语惯了。Carreen and Suellen, emaciated and white, slept brokenly and awoke to mumble with wide, staring eyes in the tall four-poster bed where they had whispered together in better, happier days.