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最方便的答案是多种方法的普查。The facile answer is a multimethod approach.

“它有一个GPS接收器”这是不假思索就可以得到的回答。"It's got a GPS receiver, " is the facile answer.

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如果说阿格若宁的乐观主义是可以轻易做到的,那就错了。It would be wrong to suggest that Mr Agronin's optimism is facile.

在这方面,他是出类拔萃的,使其他的竞争者。In this field he is facile princeps, and has left all competitors behind.

现在她对谈这些感到有点厌烦了,她希望能收回她那欠考虑的类比。She was a little tired of it all now, and she wished she could withdraw her facile comparison.

但是这种类比过于简单,可能会在将来的日子里遭遇挫折。But this analogy is a facile one, and may well yield disappointment in the months and years to come.

改天到警察署来,我带你参观。I’m dory if my facile effort upset you. Come to the police facility someday and I’ll show you around.

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我们可以简单地模仿中国的成功,让工人们为了一点微薄的回报每天工作12到14个小时。A facile parody of Chinese achievement sees workers toiling for 12 or 14 hours a day for pitiful reward.

采用水热法制备出高产量的硫化锌空心球。Mass-production of cubic hollow ZnS microspheres was successfully realized by facile hydrothermal route.

利用工艺简单的银镜反应制备了润湿性均一的纳米银表面。Silver mirror reaction is used as a facile method to synthesize nano-silver surface with uniform wettability.

本文报道利用微量移液枪头制备碳纤维微电极。A facile and low-cost method was reported for fabricating carbon fiber microelectrodes with micro pipette tips.

并用另一种简单温和的相分离法制备了PTPA包覆的多壁碳纳米管一维复合物。Coating MWCNTs with a fluorescent PTPA were prepared through another facile and mild phase separation strategy.

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面向网上人际交流的实际需求,提出一种基于图像的便捷人脸动画方法。To meet requirements of computer-mediated communication, an image based facile face animation approach is presented.

表面上这看起来很容易,给共和党选民留下深刻印象的浅显的说法就是奥巴马总统将会失败。It is much easier, apparently, to impress Republican voters with the facile argument that President Obama has failed.

麦卡锡先生小心翼翼地构建着这种辩证对立,只是让我们放下其行文上的眩彩,而抓住其显而易见的重要结论。Mr. McCarthy carefully builds this dialectic only to let us down with a stylistically dazzling but facile conclusion.

自我怀疑使得那些最辉煌的成就变质为自我憎恨与失败主义。The suspicion that colors our most brilliant successes always risks degenerating into self-hatred and facile defeatism.

紧随着其他悲剧的发生,也很难避免这些容易想到的问题以及同样肤浅的回答。And it’s hard to avoid the same facile questions — and the same superficial answers — that followed the other tragedies.

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结论工艺流程简便,产率、纯度较高、产品质量易控,适合于大规模制备。Conclusion A cost-efficient facile and high purity synthetic route is suitable for large-scale preparation of aim compound.

在该地采用碎石方格固沙既有使用寿命长,又有取材方便的优点。Sand fixation using broken stone checker had a good durability. At the same time, the raw material could be facile and cheap.

而我则觉得他们太懒——他们考虑的太肤浅,对我而言,翻译要比任何工作都有意思。In return, I think they’re lazy—a facile opinion, given that I find translation far too enjoyable an activity to rate as work.