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不要让我替你顶罪。Don't make me your patsy.

帕齐她可以唱任何地方。Patsy sang anywhere she could.

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杰夫和佩西外出吃晚餐。Jeff and Patsy are out for dinner.

帕齐继续录得更多的歌曲。Patsy continued to record more songs.

一个代罪羔羊被指责行刺甘乃迪总统。A patsy was blamed for killing President Kennedy.

佩西和丈夫离婚了,现在她自己一个人住。Patsy divorced her husband and is now living alone.

起初,成龙像是个老受塔克欺负的倒霉蛋。At first, Chan seems to be a hapless patsy to Tucker's bullying.

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起初,成龙像是个老受塔克欺负的倒霉蛋。At first, Chan seems to be a pathetic patsy to Tuckers aggression.

我觉得自己好像是一个财大气粗的帕齐或者是吝啬鬼。I find myself feeling like either a deep-pocketed patsy or a skinflint.

上学时,我给她换下大衣,只穿了一件小毛绒衣。I let Patsy go to school with just a little sweater on instead of her coat.

当她听到关于帕丝的故事,就写信给牧师说要找到她的女儿。When she heard about "Patsy Li" she wrote to?the priest hoping to find her daughter.

奇利斯·斯坦顿,你要让这位舞会女皇重返舞台?派西·科林曾在这里演出过。Chiles Stanton, you're gonna let this prom queen get up on stage? Patsy Cline played here.

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她从小就热爱乡村音乐,尤其喜爱歌手佩茜•克莱恩和多莉•帕顿。Growing up, she developed a love for country music, especially Patsy Cline and Dolly Parton.

他们去楼下商店买了些冰激凌。帕特西来分配这些冰激凌。They went to the shop downstairs . They bought some ice cream . Patsy divided the ice cream.

玛莎的女儿帕齐已经去世,她的儿子杰克26岁,杰克的孩子在家中生活。Martha's daughter Patsy had died, her son Jack at 26, but Jack's children figured in the household.

几年前,我过生日时,佩喜要大家都看看她送我的礼物。For my birthday a couple of years ago, Patsy urged everyone to look at the present she was giving me.

很明显归根到底,最终受骗上当的还是纳税人,是纳税人在保证这些金融机构免于破产。Apparently, from the onset, thepublic was the patsy to secure these financial institutions against failure.

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除此之外,老人中大概除了派西康乐外,也都老得不能爬下梯子再爬上来了。Besides, the old men, except perhaps Patsy Conroy, were too old to climb down the ladder and climb back up again.

亚历山大守夜惊喜他的祖母,帕齐阿丘利塔与他的生日锦上添花装饰的脸。Alexander Vigil surprises his grandmother, Patsy Archuleta, with a face decorated with icing from his birthday cake.

他经常告诉我们,自己如何试演,如何在佩茜·克莱恩作为主唱的乐队里占一席之位。He often told us how he had auditioned and earned a position in a band that featured Patsy Cline as their lead singer.