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硫胺将淀粉类食物转变为能量。Thiamine changes starchy foods into energy.

作为vitamin家族的一个成员,硫胺揭开了整个家族的故事。Thiamine is the vitamin that started it all.

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硫胺素在谷物粗粮中含量丰富。Good sources of thiamine include unrefined cereal grains.

不能吸收维生素B1就导致脚气病。Beriberi is caused by an inability to assimilate thiamine.

硫胺素有助于改善记忆力。Thiamine is great for anyone trying to improve their memory.

目的了解西宁地区大学生硫胺素与核黄素营养状况。Objective To study the level of thiamine and riboflavin in college students in plateau.

硝酸硫胺是维生素类药物,常用于食品添加剂和复合维生素制剂等。Thiamine nitrate is of special value for food enrichment and multi-vitamin preparations.

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钾、维生素C、镁、烟碱酸、和硫胺是这果实的良好来源。This fruit is a good source of potassium and also contains vitamin C, magnesium, niacin, and thiamine.

结果表明,所合成出的二苯酰硫胺素完全符合现代食品加工业的要求。The dibenzoyl thiamine synthesizedby the above processing can completely meet the needs of modern food industry.

硫铵素可降低乙肝病毒含量,稳定肝脏内环境,促进肝功恢复。Thiamine may decrease content of virus, stabilize hepatic internal environment, and promote recovery of liver function.

硫胺参与体内能量分子,例如葡萄糖等的代谢,也见于神经元细胞膜。Thiamine is involved in the breakdown of energy molecules such as glucose and is also found on the membranes of neurons.

一些种子和坚果还富含硫胺素和镁,从而有助于改善记忆力,认知功能和大脑营养。Some seeds and nuts are also full of thiamine and magnesium, which are great for memory, cognitive function, and brain nourishment.

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在美国,酒精中毒是导致硫胺素缺乏的最常见因素,现时也可以导致镁、锌和某些维生素的缺乏。Alcoholism is the most common cause of thiamine deficiency in the USA and may lead to deficiencies of magnesium, zinc, and other vitamins.

粗粮内含有大量的锌、铜、锰、铁和硫胺素等营养元素,粗粮还能增加抗氧化物的水平,抗氧化物有助于对抗自由基。Whole grains are also widely recommended in many dietary guidelines because they contain high levels of nutrients like zinc, copper, manganese, iron and thiamine.

因为在许多发达国家的食品是补充维生素,缺乏硫胺素摄入足够引起的脚气病在美国是非常罕见的。Because many foods in developed countries are supplemented with vitamins, a lack of thiamine intake sufficient to cause beriberi is very rare in the United States.

其次,在结晶热力学研究中,重点测定了溶解度、介稳区、诱导期、溶度积、熔点等热力学基础数据。Secondly, the systematic thermodynamics characteristics including solubility, metastable zone and induction period of thiamine nitrate were measured during the thermodynamics study.

采用激光法测量了不同溶液条件下硝酸硫胺的溶解度,进一步确定了硝酸硫胺的活度积常数。In this paper, the solubility of thiamine nitrate are measured by Laser method under different conditions. The activity product of thiamine nitrate is obtained on the basis of its solubility.

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人们过于依赖某些特定的食物,导致了某些营养元素的匮乏,因此,以米饭为主食的人,很可能缺少蛋白质,维生素A和维生素B1Now the fact that people were so reliant on certain foods led to deficiencies of certain nutrients, so people that were dependent on a rice based diet tended to have problems with deficiencies in protein, Vitamin A, and thiamine.