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他研究口语体的英语。He studies English colloquial style.

肯,老伙计,说实在的我真佩服你这口语化的腔调。Ken, compadre, I admire the colloquial style.

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注意最后口语化的表达,“去吧“Notice that final colloquial phrase, "to go."

他们用非常口语化的措辞开除了摩西。They use a very colloquial kind of term to dismiss him.

他试图让中国演员讲普通话。It is set in China and the cast speaks in colloquial Mandarin.

第一章探讨了口语体行为的特征。The first chapter is a performance survey of colloquial English.

第二章是对口语体功能的探讨。The second chapter is a functional survey of colloquial English.

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这个系统能够理解一个问题的多种问法以及口语表达形式。The system understands multiple, colloquial forms of a question.

你可以在歌曲中学到很多俚语和口语。You can learn a lot of slangs and colloquial languages in songs.

新教材,主要由地道的美式英语听说课构成。The new textbooks are composed mainly of colloquial American English.

这是个口语化的短语,意思是让某人自己去看看。This phrase is a colloquial way to tell someone to go and see for themselves.

话本小说与江南文化有着很深的渊源关系。The Culture of the south of the River have deep roots in the colloquial stories.

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许多广州话中的口语词,其实是可以在古汉语中发现其渊源的。Many Cantonese colloquial words could find their roots back into ancient Chinese.

俚语是通俗的口头语,带有浓郁的地方色彩和民间韵味。As a patois , or colloquial , slang is permeated with rich local color and flavor.

正式文体中不应使用口语或理语词语和表达方式。It is inappropriate to use colloquial or slang words or expressions in formal writing.

研究海南闽方言与民俗关系,得出闽方言区民俗孕育和产生了闽方言俗语。The folk customs in Min dialect areas breed and develop the local colloquial languages.

为了用简单的大白话来讲述SOA,他给出了SOA的通俗定义In an effort to present SOA in simple English he proposes a colloquial definition of SOA

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口语用法基因通常指的是科学发展观的一个等位基因。The colloquial usage of the term gene often refers to the scientific concept of an allele.

不要使用懒散或者口语的表达,比如如“嘿哥们儿”“哟”或者是“嗨伙计”。Don n't use laid-back, colloquial expressions like, "Hey you guys, " "Yo, " or "Hi folks. "

第三章“延川方言的文白异读与语音层次”。Chapter Three Literal and Colloquial Pronunciations and Phonetic Layers in Yanchuan Dialect.