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梳理通顺,自然晾干,晾干后即可恢复原状。Comb clear and coherent, natural air, after air can restorable.

当压力失去时,细胞内的空气压力会将细胞恢复原状。When pressure is lost, the air pressure inside the cell meeting general cell is restorable.

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从次要服务器获得的备份可以恢复到群集中的任意其他服务器。The backup obtained from the secondary server is restorable to any other server in the cluster.

一个概念的能力可恢复的电源和相应的性能指标。A concept of capability of restorable power supply and the corresponding performance indices are presented.

采用此算法可以得到负荷恢复的某一阶段可恢复的最大的负荷量。By using this algorithm the maximal restorable loads at one of the stages of the load restoration can be gotten.

即使非凡重的家具压在上面形成微小的压痕,也可以在重物撤去后恢复原状。Although particularly heavy furniture is pressed above form tiny impress, OK also restorable after the clog is removed.

冷应激也造成十二指肠粘膜上皮增厚,同时肝脏发生可恢复的脂肪变性。Cold stress could also result in the incrassation in mucous membrane of duodenum, the restorable denatured fat in liver.

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给出了数据库加密技术和依赖用户的可恢复密钥管理机制的设计,实现了用户密钥的安全存储、备份与恢复。Database encryption and user-dependent restorable key management scheme insure the security of key storing, backuping and restoring.

这个函数将检查表单数据是否可恢复,然后要求用户确认是否希望恢复自动保存的表单。This function verifies if the form data is restorable and then asks the user to confirm if he or she wants to restore the auto-saved form.

CDP可以是基于块级的、文件级的,也可以是基于应用的,能够提供很好的颗粒度恢复目标,无限定义恢复时间点。CDP systems may be block-, file- or application-based and can provide fine granularities of restorable objects to infinitely variable recovery points.

在本论文的第二部份,我在单一连结损坏模式的假设下,对建置多个“具频宽保证”且“可复原”的软管模式虚拟私人网路之诸多议题加以探讨。In the second part of this dissertation, the issues regarding online establishment of restorable bandwidth-guaranteed hose-model VPNs under the single-link failure model is discussed.

可用热水浸湿毛巾,拧干后敷在受压处,5-10分钟后用梳子和吹风机梳理并吹干,地毯表面就会恢复原状。Usable hot water soaks towel, twist the apply after working to be in press press place, 5-10 is combed with comb and blower after minute and blow dry, carpet surface is met restorable.

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在心理学研究中,行为主义因单纯的还原分析方法的局限而无法从有机体内部科学地阐释行为产生的原因。In the psychological research, because of the limitations of behaviorist's simple restorable method, they can not scientifically analyze the reason why the act emerges from the organism's inner part.