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华盛顿可能在对次进行有益的探究。This is a subject that might be profitably explored in Washington.

进行有安全保障和有利可图的长期投资是可能的。It is possible to invest securely and profitably for the long term.

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为异构系统的数据交换模式进行了有益的探索。The paper explores data exchange mode for isomeric system profitably.

读大量的书与读有益的书是截然不同的事情。To read prodigiously and to read profitably are two very different things.

对如何搞活国营企业的问题作了有益的探讨。The paper also probes profitably the problem of vivifying the state enterprises.

不过,如今那些经久不衰的形象说法不再是诗情画意,而正变为现实,一种颇为实用的现实。But now those enduring metaphors are no longer poetry. They are becoming real -- profitably real.

Bharti看到了一个占领世界上增长最快的区域的机会,并且这样做有利可图。Bharti sees a chance to stake a claim in the fastest growing region in the world and to do so profitably.

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降生在乳制品作坊的公牛犊就是一个错误的品种,养着只能制成牛肉卖钱,它的命运更加坎坷。A male calf born to a dairy cow is the wrong breed to profitably be raised for beef. His fate is much worse.

但通胀也会增加利润率,这就意味着公司可以承受更高的利率去借钱。But inflation also raises the rate of profit, which means business can profitably pay a lot higher rate to borrow.

突然之间,当风险资本家前来拜访一家初创企业时,也会顺便拜访一下Profitably。All of a sudden, when venture capitalists came to visit a startup down the hall, they came to visit Profitably too.

具有投资意识的经理人有责任去鉴别谁是这项工作合适的外包伙伴。The onus is on the investment-minded managers to identify the right outsource partner who can do the job profitably.

如果一个人的时间和财富得到了高效合理的应用,在我看来,是完全不必有晚景凄凉、穷途末路的担忧的。If his time and means are profitably employed, I say there is no need of his being poor and needy to the end of life.

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瀑布和沸腾的火山熔岩生产出巨大的能量,但是不像石油,它无法出口盈利。The waterfalls and boiling lava generate vast amounts of cheap power, but, unlike oil, it cannot be profitably exported.

浙江省宁波鸟用廉价的手机涌入了亚洲市场,即使在国内市场它卖的并不十分顺利。Ningbo Bird, based in Zhejiang province, is flooding Asia with cheap mobile-phone handsets it cannot sell profitably at home.

这项贸易始终取决于野生鱼苗的捕捞,因为谁也没办法人工饲养繁殖这些有利可图的鳗鱼。The trade remains dependent on the capture of wild fish because no one has figured out how to reproduce eels profitably in captivity.

日产说,然后经销商就将部分旧车作为“认证”车辆增值出售,并提供有限的质保和道路救援。They then sell some of the cars profitably as 'certified' vehicles, Nissan says, offering limited warranties and roadside assistance.

蒋高明指出,单一种植的杨树丛林容易加工成杨树板材,销售过程中利润丰厚。Gaoming Jiang points out that poplar-based plywood can be readily manufactured from monoculture poplar plantations and sold profitably.

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美国在故障处理方面也领先于世界,引入新的创新,快速发展、获利。America still leads the world at processing failure, at latching on to new innovations and building them to scale quickly and profitably.

该小型冷榨机能适用于中国乡村级的双低油菜籽和其他特种油料冷榨的小规模化生产。The developed expeller could profitably be used for small-scale processing of rapeseed and other special oilseed in rural areas of China.

资金中断,我们的基金会理事已经决定将剩下的钱花到某种逗乐蜂鸣器上,那也许能带来更多利润。Funding has been cut off, our foundation board having decided that the remaining money might be more profitably spent on some joy-buzzers.