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我的少年时代像一个美丽的梦。The thought of my boyhood is like a dream.

迪贝的死,是我童年时代的一幕悲剧!Tippy'sdeath was the tragedy of my boyhood.

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告诉你他童年是怎样阴沉的夜Tell how his boyhood was one drear night-hour

他常常回忆自己童年时的情景。He often conjured up visions of his boyhood days.

我的心里历历浮现出少年时代那些快乐的事。My mind traveled over the happy days of my boyhood.

他童年的故事是用倒叙法来表现的。The events of his boyhood are shown in a flashback.

潘文石对熊猫的热爱源于他少年时的梦想。Pan's work with pandas is rooted in his boyhood dreams.

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但战争来了,我亲眼看到我儿时的伙伴们被炸成碎片。But the war did come. I saw my boyhood friends blown to bits.

他将赢得诺贝尔生物学奖称为“一个童年梦想的实现”。He called winning the Nobel Prize "a boyhood dream come true.

但几年后,我终于实现了童年的梦想,成为了一名飞行员。Years later, I achieved my boyhood dream of becoming a pilot.

为权利而疯狂的麦萨拉,也曾经是宾虚少年时代的朋友。There was Messala, the power-mad. Once Ben-Hur's boyhood friend.

从少年时期向成年时期的转变常是令人困惑的时期。The transition from boyhood to manhood can be a confusing period.

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我成长为少年时代的地方,得到人生我的第一印象那里。I grew into boyhood on the place and got my first impressions of life there.

自孩提时起,他们一直都在保护河流资源和其中的水生动物上大量投入,而现在就已经把童年时的激情梦想成功地转化成了一种非比寻常的职业。Now they've managed to transform a boyhood passion into anunusual profession.

好像没有什么人成就了孩提时代的梦想。Has any boyhood dream ever been fulfilled?I must doubt it. Look at Brander Matthews.

德雷克追逐著童年的兴趣,进入康奈尔大学和哈佛大学学习无线电航太学。Drake pursued his boyhood interest and studied radio astronomy at cornell and harvard.

不行,这样听起来不妥——那是她母亲过去称之为他的“童年空间”的屋子,他要把它叫作“老鼠公寓”,“老鼠旅店”。Or no, that didn’t sound right—that was what his mother used to call his boyhood room.

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回忆起少年时期的日子,一只旧K.C.发酵粉罐子,还有两只小小的红色猎犬。Memories of my boyhood days, an old K. C. Baking Powder can, and two little red hounds.

我年少时代的遗物,我早就知道自己成不了骑士,所以我决定成为大主教。A relic of my boyhood. I knew I would not make a knight, so I decided to be High Septon.

我的父亲,还有我小时候玩伴的父亲,他们都是说一不二的严父类型。My father and the fathers of my boyhood friends were men of gravitas , authority figures.