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这是国际商业信贷银行之间开始后,印度板球联赛和争吵。It was started after altercation between the BCCI and the Indian Cricket League.

黛米10月下旬以来一直在一个在康复中心。Lovato has been in rehab since late October after a "short, physical altercation" with a dancer.

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扔水瓶是一种冲突行为,而这时邓肯并没有站在他的板凳附近。The water bottle-throwing was an altercation , and Tim Duncan was not in the vicinity of his bench.

2010年,他的第一任妻子在和一名女子发生争吵后被逮捕,而这名女子不久后就成了奥尼尔的第二任妻子。In 2010, his first wife was arrested after an altercation with the woman who later became the second wife.

这名女子当时与她的丈夫一起行走,而她的丈夫最后在争执中手部被连刺两刀。The woman was walking with her husband who ended up being stabbed twice in the hand after the altercation.

1875年,一支日本舰队逼近江华岛与朝鲜军队相寻衅。In 1875, a Japanese fleet sailed too close to the Ganghwa Island and had an altercation with the Korean army.

显然,那里的两个女孩子互相有了争执,所以其中一个人把另一个人从泊船的地方推下了水。Evidently two of the girls there had an altercation and one pushed the other off the wharf and into the water.

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一名国防部官员称,罗伯茨和一名与其私通的女性发生肢体冲突。A defense official said Roberts got into a physical altercation with a woman with whom he was having an affair.

犯罪嫌疑人,他们说,也有他的血,新伤,这表明他刚刚在口角参与。The suspect, they said, also had blood on him, and fresh bruises, which indicated he had just been involved in an altercation.

弄臣的这一句话惹得公爵哈哈大笑。也许正因为如此,才避免了他和他的主帅继续争吵下去。The jester's speech made the Duke laugh, and perhaps prevented a farther prosecution of the altercation betwixt him and his general.

很明显,这种生活方式带来了特有的健康问题---但是这项运动已经完全接纳了关于这种体重问题的争论。Obviously, this lifestyle comes with its own host of health problems—yet this weight altercation is fully embraced as part of the sport.

他描述了西斯克里夫和呼啸山庄的起居室,并且回画眉山庄之前让这里的狗吓了一跳。He describes Heathcliff and the sitting room of the the Heights, and briefly has an altercation with the dogs before returning to the Grange.

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很明显,在松鼠和蝙蝠之间发生了争斗,我之前从来没见过或者听过这类的事情。It became apparent that there was an altercation happening between the squirrel and the bat, something I'd never seen before or ever heard of.

奥多姆,湖人的第二蓝扳手,因为在上一场场上发生冲突时他站了起来离开了替补席,被联盟禁赛一场。Odom, the Lakers' second-leading rebounder, served a one-game suspension for leaving the bench during an altercation in Monday's loss to Portland.

一巴西妇女因与前夫口角头部被开六枪目前已经出院,并在星期天在媒体前露面。Brazilian woman who was shot six times in the head after an altercation with her ex-husband was out of the hospitaltalking to the media on Saturday.

科科尼亚斯一直坚持说里格罗普鲁斯的死属于意外,是警察鸣枪示警时子弹反弹所致,当时科科尼亚斯曾与一群青少年发生争论而鸣枪警告。Korkoneas had insisted the killing was an accident, caused by the ricochet of a warning shot that he fired during an altercation with a group of youths.

简坐在车后座上惊恐万分,幸运的是她的司机随即绕到了边上的一条马路上,避免了一场恶斗。Luckily for Jane, who sat in the back seat of the cab in a state of disbelieving horror, her driver turned down a side street and avoided an altercation.

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美国佛罗里达州的陪审团宣布,前海军训练营地的七名警卫人员与一名护士无罪,此前,他们被指控是因为一卷录像带曾拍摄到他们在争吵中可能过失打死了一名14岁的男孩。Florida jury acquitted seven former boot camp guards and a nurse charged with manslaughter in the death of a 14-year-old boy roughed up in a videotaped altercation.

因为周中对阵曼城的比赛中因为和巴布罗·萨巴莱塔的冲突,这位法国后卫从周六开始为期三场的停赛。The France defender begins a three-match suspension on Saturday after being sent off against Manchester City in midweek following an altercation with Pablo Zabaleta.

三名社区治安员目击到,他当时举止粗野,凝视天空,之后参与了一起与几个十几岁青年人的激烈争吵。Three police community support officers witnessed him gesturing wildly, staring up at the sky and becoming involved in an aggressive altercation with some teenagers.